


2017/08/13 19:44:20 编辑: 浏览次数:351 移动端


  President Barack Obama has become the first sitting US president to grace the cover of an LGBT magazine.

  贝拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统成为首位在任期内登上LGBT(同性恋、双性恋及跨性别)杂志封面的美国总统。

  In a photoshoot and interview for Out Magazine, Obama was named 'Ally of the Year' for his forts on the "right side of justice" in supporting same-sex marriage.


  Editor-in-chi Aaron Hicklin wrote of the top entry in Out's list of 100:

  《Out》杂志主编亚伦·希克林(Aaron Hicklin)为这位在《Out》杂志百大名人榜上拔得头筹的总统写道:

  "A president who came to office on a wave of euphoria, appeared to lose momentum halfway through... has since rallied, helping us secure marriage equality, among other landmark initiatives that are transforming our place in America."


  In the accompanying interview Obama said that the first openly gay person he remembered meeting was a college professor who was an inspirational figure on campus for gay and lesbian students.


  "...Keep in mind, this was 1978. That took a lot of courage, a lot of confidence in who you are and what you stand for."


  The president also said that the US is committed to promoting LGBT rights abroad.


  Other advocates who made the top 100 include Olympian Caitlyn Jenner, actress Raven Symone, artist Juliana Huxtable and journalist Jose Antonio Vargas.

  入围百大名人榜的还有:奥运冠军凯特琳·詹纳(Caitlyn Jenner)、女星雷文·西蒙尼(Raven Symone)、艺术家朱莉安娜·赫克斯特布尔(Juliana Huxtable)、记者乔塞·安东尼奥·瓦格斯(Jose Antonio Vargas)。


  LGBT:同性恋(者)、双性恋(者)及跨性别(者)(lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender)



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