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My fingers feel as though they’ve got frostbite, an abandoned spray can lies on the table and most of my kitchen appears to be dusted in a light frosting of silver.
You would be forgiven for thinking my home had been attacked by vandals, but no. I’ve just been painting my nails. Or, more accurately, spray-painting my nails.
Yes, we’ve had stick-on nail polish, even iron-on nail polish (well, sort of - you had to use a hairdryer to get the adhesive to stick), and now it’s spray-on.
The theory is straightforward. Apply a base coat with a brush for the polish to stick to, spray your nails (and, inevitably, the tips of your fingers and cuticles), then wait a few minutes for the colour to dry, bore applying a top coat - also with a brush - to set the polish.
When that’s dry, use soap and water to wash away the excess from your fingers and cuticles, leaving you with a perfect manicure.
This latest innovation, Paint Can, is from Nails Inc. ‘We’re always looking for something new,’ says Thea Green, who founded the company in 1999. ‘We know our customer is time-poor, so anything that gives a longer-lasting manicure, less drying time, or faster application is always of interest.’
这款最新的创意产品“油漆罐”来自创立于1999年的内尔有限公司(Nails Inc.)。“我们一直在求新”,公司创始人希亚·格林(Thea Green)如是说。“我们知道消费者的时间有限,所以任何涂抹耗时短、效果持久的指甲油都会引起他们的兴趣。”
She says the idea of an aerosol application had been on their radar for a few years and, over the past 12 months, trial versions of the product have been tested by technicians in the company’s salons.
‘If you apply the topcoat, this new product will last up to four days - and a day or two if you don’t,’ says Thea. ‘Generally, when it comes to nail polish, the faster something dries, the less wear you get out of it and the more matte it is. We think we’ve got the balance right.’
The price is certainly right - at £10 (nailsinc.com), it’s £4 cheaper than the company’s range of regular polishes. While they advise using it with their 2-in-1 Base and Top Coat (£8), you can use it with any.
But how many applications in a can? ‘I get around 15 to 20,’ says Thea. ‘And some of our consumer studies have shown you can get up to 30 applications if you’re more precise.’
The spray-on polish is currently available in a metallic-silver, called Shoreditch Lane, and neon-pink Hoxton Market, but there are plans for four or five more shades early next year.
‘The formulation means we can get colours we couldn’t get any other way. It’s impossible to get that level of silver rlection in a paint, and creating a neon that’s stable in the bottle for more than six months to a year is also very difficult, so we haven’t done it bore.’
If you have only 15 minutes bore a night out, alongside false lashes and lipstick, this little can could be an essential part of your pre-party rescue kit.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲