


2017/08/13 19:41:05 编辑: 浏览次数:352 移动端

  在这个不断全球化的世界,能够说两种语言而不是一种,显然有些实际的好处。 但是近些年来,科学研究发现能说两种语言的好处比仅是有能力跟更广泛的人群交流有更多根本的益处。原来,能说两种语言可以使你更聪明, 可以对你的大脑有更深刻的影响,增进你的与语言能力无关的认知技能,甚至 会说双语有助中风康复!

  Stroke patients are more likely to regain their cognitive functions if they speak more than one language, new research has discovered.


  A study of more than 600 stroke victims found 40.5% of those who are multilingual had normal mental functions afterwards, compared to 19.6% of patients who only speak one language.


  The study was carried out by a team from the University of Edinburgh together with the Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad - with the Indian city chosen as the location for the study because its multi-cultural nature means many languages are commonly spoken.


  Researchers took into account other factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes and age to ensure results could not be attributed to having a healthier lifestyle.


  The study, published in the American Heart Association journal Stroke, found 'results support the notion of a protective role of bilingualism in the development of post-stroke cognitive impairment'.


  It is the first time a study has been done looking at the relationship between the number of languages spoken and a patient's cognitive outcome after stroke.


  'The percentage of patients with intact cognitive functions post-stroke was more than twice as high in bilinguals than in monolinguals,' the paper said.


  'In contrast, patients with cognitive impairment were more common in monolinguals.'


  Researchers believe the study, which was funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research, suggests the mental challenge of speaking multiple languages can boost cognitive reserve - an improved ability of the brain to cope with damaging influences such as stroke or dementia.


  Co-author Thomas Bak, of the University of Edinburgh's school of philosophy, psychology and language sciences said: 'Bilingualism makes people switch from one language to another, so while they inhibit one language, they have to activate another to communicate.


  'This switching offers practically constant brain training which may be a factor in helping stroke patients recover.'



  cognitive function:认知功能



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