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  It's easy to get impatient with Judy, who's always running "just 10 minutes late" or Brian, the college buddy who always seems like he's trying to upstage you. But here's where empathy comes in: Take a few minutes to consider what it's really like to be your friend. What unique challenges might they face? Research shows that practicing perspective-taking builds empathy, which can improve our relationships and make us more compassionate and understanding—a quality every good friend should have.



  Even if you haven't seen a particular pal in a while, sometimes all it takes to strengthen the bond is a reminder of past good times. Go through photos from a memorable event or vacation you enjoyed together—savor the details and point out memorable moments and funny details from the occasion. Scientists say that this type of shared savoring, called "capitalization," improves our well-being, and helps foster positive social interactions by bringing us closer. Even if you can't see your friend in person, you can still send them a "Remember when?" link to your photos from the event, pointing out the best moments from the day.即使你已经有段时间没见过某位老朋友了,但有时增进彼此联系所需做的就是回忆过去的美好时光。你们一起度过的“纪念日“或者假期,翻一翻那时的照片——回味那些细节,回想当时的难忘时刻和有趣细节。科学家们把这种“共同回味”称为“小资化”,它可以提升我们的幸福感,并通过使彼此更亲近来培养积极的社交互动。即使你无法当面见到你的朋友,你仍然可以给他们发送一条链接——“记得是何时吗?”,链接到当时的照片,指出那天的最好时刻。


  Did Frank get a new job last month? Did Michelle have a new baby three months ago whom you still haven't seen in person? Sure, you sent a card or email to congratulate them, but you can do even more! Meet up with a friend who recently had good news that you haven't celebrated properly. When you see them, practice what scientists call "active constructive feedback" - show enthusiasm, ask them about all the little details, and get them to relive the moment with you. Research by Shelly Gable shows that when we respond to other people's good news positively, they feel more understood, validated and cared for, which enhances the quality of your relationship and makes you - both of you - happier.弗兰克上星期找到新工作了吗?米歇尔三个月前有了新宝宝,但你还没有见过?当然,你已经发过贺卡或电子邮件来祝贺他们,但是你可以做得更多。如果某位朋友最近有好消息,而你却没有恰当地表达祝贺,那么去与他见面吧。当你见到他时,实践一下科学家们所说的“积极建设性地反馈”——表现出热情,问一问他们所有的小细节,并让他们与你一起重温那一时刻。雪莉·盖布尔的研究表明,当我们积极回应他人的好消息时,他们会感受到更多的理解、肯定和关心,从而提高了你们的关系,并且使你——你们——更快乐。

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