


2017/08/13 19:37:41 编辑: 浏览次数:211 移动端


  If you want to impress a date, win over a large group of people or charm a colleague, don't worry about saying something smart, just say something quickly.

  如果你想在约会中给对方留下完美的印象或者在众人中脱颖而出,魅力十足,不用担心自己表现的不够聪明, 只要反应快就足够了。

  Psychologists from Australia have found that people who are quicker at answering general knowledge questions come across as more charismatic.


  Other factors, such as IQ and emotional intelligence, are not as important as the ability to think and respond swiftly.


  The researchers set out to unveil the psychological bases of charisma, and whether this quality depends on specific traits.


  One thing they noticed was that celebrities and other public figures deemed very charismatic were all typically sharp-witted.


  In order to test how mental speed contributes to charisma, they carried out a study involving 417 subjects. All the subjects underwent personality and intelligence tests.


  The researchers asked the participants' friends to rate how 'charismatic,' 'funny,' and 'quick-witted' they were.

  研究人员请参与者的朋友们来对他们的 “魅力”、“有趣” 及 “反应敏捷” 程度做出评价。

  All of the subjects were then quizzed with 30 simple general knowledge questions, such as 'Name a precious gem', which they had to answer as quickly as they could.

  所有研究主题都会包含一次30题的普通知识问答小测,会问诸如 “说出一种珍稀宝石的名字” 的问题, 参与测验者必须尽快作答。

  The subjects also completed another mental speed test based on visual tasks, including spotting a dot on a screen as quickly as possible.


  By cross-rerencing the tests' results with the friends' answers, the team found that people who were faster in the mental speed tasks were also rated as more charismatic by their peers.


  Intelligence and personality turned out to play a smaller role than sheer speed.


  Also, against the researchers' predictions, mental speed was not associated with social skills such as conflict management or understanding other people's feelings.

  同样,与研究人员预测的相反, 反应速度与社会技能无关,如矛盾处理能力和善解人意能力和反应速度并无关系。

  'Although we expected mental speed to predict charisma, we thought it would be less important than IQ,' researcher William von Hippel said.

  “尽管我们预料到反应速度与个人魅力有关系, 但我们没想到反应速度竟然比智力起的作用还要大。” 研究员威廉·冯希佩尔说。

  'Instead, we found that how smart people were was less important than how quick they were. “相反,我们发现反应快比聪明更重要。因此在短时间内能考虑到广泛的社会反响比答对一个很难的问题更重要。”

  In their study, published in Psychological Science, the researchers also hypothesised that people who think more quickly could be better at masking a fudged reply by ad-libbing humorous associations.

  这项研究被刊登在《心理科学》杂志上。 研究人员还假设能够快速思考的人或许也善于用即兴幽默的方式掩盖不实的回答。

  'Our findings show that social intelligence is more than just knowing the right thing to do,' von Hippel added.

  “我们的研究发现表明社交智力并不是只需要知道正确的事情。 ” 威廉·冯希佩尔补充说。

  'Social intelligence also requires an ability to execute, and the quickness of our mind is an important component of that ability.'



  hypothesise: 假设

  fudge: 捏造

  ad-lib: 随口说出(俏皮话);即兴创作

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