


2017/08/13 19:32:47 编辑: 浏览次数:249 移动端


  Poor sleep is associated with increasedinflammation, which may contribute to heart disease and a variety of other ailments. A newstudy has shown that cognitive behavioral therapy and tai chi, the Chinese exercisetechnique, may reduce both insomnia and inflammation.


  Researchers studied 123 people with insomnia who were over age 55. They were randomizedto one of three groups. The first received two hours a week of cognitive behavioral therapyover four months, the second the same amount of tai chi practice, and the third, a controlgroup, a four-month educational program about sleep hygiene, aging and insomnia. The studywas published in Biological Psychiatry.

  研究人员研究了123名年龄超过55岁的失眠症患者,并将他们随机分入3组。第一组接受了每周两小时,持续四个月的认知行为疗法,第二组进行同样数量的太极拳练习,第三组是对照组,接受为期四个月的关于睡眠卫生、衰老和失眠的教育课程。该研究发表在《生物精神病学》杂志(Biological Psychiatry)上。

  At one year after the treatment, compared with the control group, those on cognitivebehavioral therapy and tai chi had reduced blood levels of C-reactive protein and reducedproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, both indicators of inflammation.


  Using blood samples, the researchers also found that both the treatment groups had lowerexpression of genes related to inflammation and increased expression of genes related toantibody response compared with the control group.


  “Tai chi and cognitive therapy are used to treat insomnia because, unlike medication, theyproduce no unwanted side fects,” said the lead author, Dr. Michael R. Irwin, a professor ofpsychiatry at the University of California, Los Angeles.

  研究的主要作者,加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)的精神病学教授迈克尔·R·欧文(Michael R. Irwin)博士说:“使用太极拳和认知疗法来治疗失眠,是因为它们不像药物那样会产生有害的副作用。”

  “With the improvement in insomnia,” he added, “there’s a reversal of inflammation at thesystemic level and the genetic level. Inflammation contributes to cardiovascular disease,depression and cancer.”



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