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  1.The more talent you have, the more they're gonna keep you in a box.

  你越是有才华,人们就越想限制你的思维。 ——《嘻哈帝国》

  2.Nothing's more hatul than failing to protect the one you love.

  没有什么比没能保护你爱的人更让人悔恨。 ——《权力的游戏》

  3.Those who want respect, give respect.

  要人尊重就要先尊重别人。 ——《黑道家族》

  4.Love is considered a gift, a blessing, with no acceptance t the fact that it also binds.

  人们往往把爱说成一种馈赠、一种祝福,却不肯正视爱其实是一种羁绊。 ——《血族》

  5.When I marry, I want it to be because I choose to spend the rest of my life with someone I love.

  我结婚,一定是因为我选择和我所爱的人共度余生而结婚。 ——《童话镇》

  6.There was this study that said, money does buy happiness, up to $75000 a year.

  有研究证明,年收入七万五以下的,钱确实能买来幸福。 ——《女子监狱》

  7.Forgetting is a piercing wound keen as the first loss.

  忘记如同第一次失去,这伤口太痛了。 ——《疑犯追踪》

  8.Sometimes, a person takes you by surprise.

  有时候有人不经意间就让你在意了。 ——《神盾局特工》

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