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People commonly overestimate how far they can get in a year, but grossly underestimate how far they can get in five years.
If you actually want results, make a five-year commitment to a particular path, like building an online business, developing your social skills, becoming a world traveler, etc. A lesser commitment is largely pointless.
When I began blogging in 2004, I expected I’d still be blogging in 2009. If I didn’t have that expectation, I wouldn’t have started blogging.
Many other bloggers quit within their first year, which is largely a waste of fort. If they were going to quit within such a short period of time, they were never serious about it to begin it. The best results come well after the first year. If you can’t make it at least five years, why bother with it at all?
After a single year on a new path, it may look like you’re barely getting anywhere. Transformation often looks that way at first. But fast forward five years and look back, and the total transformation can be profound.
In 2004 I also joined Toastmasters to build up my speaking skills and experience. After a year of membership, I had switched to a stronger club, but I was still doing mostly five to seven minute speeches and just beginning to do occasional 20-minute talks. I had done a few speech contests too. To prep for a 20-minute talk would take me a full day. I was gaining skills, but results-wise I didn’t have much to show for my forts.
However, after I’d been in Toastmasters for four years, I was doing my first paid speeches, earning $3000 for 90 minutes on stage, and they paid for travel and hotel expenses. That’s a result.
And a little over five years after joining Toastmasters, I was doing my first public workshop, for which I earned over $50,000 for three days of speaking. That’s a result.
Now I can do weekend workshops whenever I desire and earn tens of thousands of dollars for each one. I’ve done nine of these so far. Every workshop I’ve done has earned more money than I earned in my entire first year of blogging. That’s a result.
It used to take me a month to prepare a new workshop from scratch. Now I can do it in about a week. Today I can also prepare a new one-hour talk in about 15-30 minutes, and the delivery is better than when I used to prep for a full day just for a 20-minute talk.
This isn’t the result of luck. It’s the result of practice and commitment. Not a six month commitment. Not a year. But five plus years.
And this was my commitment all along. I knew I’d make it to this point if I stuck with it.
The first year of any new commitment is invariably the most awkward. Your skills are weakest then. You don’t know what you’re doing. You make a lot of mistakes.
That first year is also the time when you learn the fastest. However, that fifth year of five is typically when you enjoy the best results.
Don’t force yourself to commit to something random for the next five years. But do put some thought into decisions that can rack up long-term results if you stick with them. This requires a degree of self-awareness, i.e. knowing what you’ll stick with and what you won’t. If you know you won’t still be into something five years from now, don’t bother putting six months into it.
Ask yourself what interests and goals of yours are still likely to be very important to you five years from now. Look to your past. What were you interested in five years ago that you’re still into today? What goals and aspirations keep resurfacing year after year? Can you expect these pattern to continue? These long-term interests will give you a hint about where to double down and commit bigger.
Even if you’re in your 20s or younger, you have patterns that you’ve established. What are the threads that you keep weaving into your life? How far could you get if you actually got serious about these threads and made a genuine five-year commitment to generating some real results?
Toastmasters 国际演讲会,即Toastmasters International,1924 年于美国加州成立,为一个非营利事业组织,旨在帮助他人如何学习说话、倾听与思考,培养学员领导、表达能力的国际性组织。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲