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  You can’t judge a book by its cover, but a new investigation suggests that you can tell a lot about a person by the look of their face. Here are three of the most revealing facial features:


  1.Bone Structure:


  Is your face short and wide or long and thin? A study found that people with high levels of testosteroneoften have wide faces and large cheekbones. This group is more likely to be assertive and sometimes even aggressive. Another study on capuchin monkeys found that the wider the face, the more likely the animal is to have a high rank in their group’s hierarchy.


  2.Baby Fat:


  If you’ve got plump cheeks or extra baby fat on your face, you might be prone to infections. Tthose with thinner faces suffer from infections less often, and when they do, the fects are less severe.


  In fact, the fill of your face supposedly reveals more about your fitness level than your body mass index. And a thinner face can also indicate lower risk for depression and anxiety, since mental health is linked to overall physical fitness.


  3.Skin Tone:


  Extremely subtle skin tone tints can reveal much about a person’s lifestyle. For example, someone whose skin is a bit yellow or gold is likely to be extremely healthy. The tint, which comes from pigments known as carotenoids, is a result of eating orange and red fruits and vegetables that bolster the immune system..


  A pink, flushed face, on the other hand, could signal that the person has an active lifestyle and good circulation. In women, this color may also be a sign of fertility.


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