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  But how do you go about pretending you've read a book with confidence? What happens if you're caught out in a lie?



  I’ve provided a handy outline as to how you can pretend to have read five classic novels. And please note that no disrespect is meant to these books or those who love them!


  1 Moby Dick《白鲸》

  by Herman Melville 赫尔曼?梅尔维尔 著

  ▌Clearly this one has a nautical theme. Look at the cover! Also, the book’s full title is Moby Dick or The Whale. So boats, a whale. It’s a well respected book so it’s fairly safe to assume that it’s not told from the perspective of the whale, therore there has to be a human character.


  ▌Not to be confused with: The Old Man and the Sea or The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.


  ▌Handy hint: in Star Trek: First Contact, Captain Picard makes a speech that essentially sums up the plot and point of Moby Dick in about 30 seconds.



  2 Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》

  by Jane Austen 简?奥斯汀 著

  ▌Ok, again – look at the cover. Clearly there’s some romance going on here. You will have picked up the names ‘Elizabeth Bennett’ and ‘Mr. Darcy’ from popular culture, and the word ‘swoon’ is often attached to ‘Mr. Darcy’. Lakes, wet shirts, dinitely some sort of marriage.

  好吧,还是一样,先看封面!一眼便知这是个浪漫的爱情故事。如果你关注流行文化,一定看到过“伊丽莎白?班纳特”和“达西先生”这两个名字。 跟“达西先生”一起出现的一定还有个词儿:神魂颠倒(他已经成为令女性神魂颠倒的代言人了)。能让你联想到一起的还有湖泊、湿衬衫,以及关于婚姻的内容。

  ▌Not to be confused with: Sense and Sensibility, or Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.


  ▌Handy hint: there have been several faithful adaptations over the years and you can watch the trailers on youtube.


  3 Nineteen Eighty-Four《一九八四》

  by George Orwell 乔治?奥威尔 著

  ▌Set in the year 1984, but written, like, ages bore. You know things from this book, even if you don’t know you do (known unknowns, right). Big brother. Clocks striking 13. War is peace, etc.


  ▌Not to be confused with: Brave New World, the reality series Big Brother, David Bowie’s worst song.


  ▌Handy hint: Cleverly parodied on both The Simpsons and Futurama.


  4 Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》

  by Charles Dickens 查尔斯?狄更斯 著

  ▌There are orphans, themes about class and crime, plus Obi-Wan Kenobi played Fagin in the movie. There was also a successful musical, and several of the songs contain lines from the novel.


  ▌Not to be confused with: David Copperfield (the book), David Copperfield (the magician).


  ▌Handy hint: It’s cool to acknowledge that Dickens wrote the ‘airport novels’ of his day.


  5 War and Peace《战争与和平》

  by Leo Tolstoy 列夫?托尔斯泰 著

  ▌Funny fact about War and Peace: nobody has actually read it. So just make up whatever you like and people will have to play along and pretend they know what you’re talking about.



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