


2017/08/13 19:14:47 编辑: 浏览次数:54 移动端

  Persian, an ancient language of the Middle East andthe official language of Iran, is being embraced bymore people in recent years, Persian teachers andresearchers said.


  Shen Yiming, director of the Section of PersianLanguage and Literature at Peking University, saidthe program used to recruit students every fouryears, with only about 10 being enrolled each time. "However, as more people are expressing interest and enthusiasm about the language, wedecided to recruit every two years starting from 2018," Shen said.


  "Iran is a country that has a long history and has attracted the attention of people from acrossthe globe in recent years. Learning the Persian language will mean more opportunities andchoices for Chinese students, both in the job market and the research field," she said.


  According to Shen, more than 200 students have graduated in the specialty.


  "Many were chased after and are now working at government departments, State-ownedenterprises or institutions that are involved in China's cooperation with Persian-speakingcountries," she said.


  The language was taught in China as far back as the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907), according toYu Guili, director of the Persian Teaching and Research Department at Beijing Foreign StudiesUniversity.

  北京外国语大学波斯语教研部主任于桂丽称,中国波斯语的学习,最早要追溯到唐朝时期(公元618 - 907年)。

  "At that time, a lot of people came to China from Persia, the old name of Iran, and Persian wasone of the dominant languages used in daily life, as well as in religious and economic activities,"she said, adding that the language is still very important for today's Muslims in China. Six of the13 Islamic classics were written in Persian.


  The first Persian specialty after the People's Republic of China was founded was established atPeking University in 1957. Its initial goal was to nurture talent to serve the increasingly closerelationship between China and Persian-speaking countries, including Iran and Afghanistan.


  Following Peking University, Shanghai International Studies University, Communication Universityof China, Beijing Foreign Studies University, University of International Business and Economicsand Xi'an International Studies University also set up their own Persian specialties to meet thegrowing demand to learn the language, literature, history and culture, Shen said.


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