


2017/08/13 19:05:06 编辑: 浏览次数:213 移动端

  想短短几个月就腰缠万贯吗?来看看 JAMIE BREW 和 SAM HELMAN 独创的致富秘诀吧。  

  Hello, fellow entrepreneurs! Bore we begin, I want to take an audience poll. Who here likes money? Raise your hand if you love money! Now, who here hates working for money? And who here wants to know how you can be filthy rich in just a few short months?


  With the six easy steps in my patented program, Millionaire Magic in Months, you can make—you guessed it—a million dollars in—you guessed it—months!


  First, start working a shift or two each week at Jo’s Café. It’s easy and the pay is great. Let’s do the math. Ten dollars an hour times five hours a day times two days a week times four weeks a month for three whole months. Are you kidding me? That’s gotta be like ten grand right there. Cash. But my plan doesn’t end there—it’s time to move to step two.

  首先,你要开始在Jo’s Café餐厅每周干一天或两天,这很容易而且薪酬不菲。咱们做道数学题,一小时10美元乘以一天5小时乘以一周两天乘以一个月4周再乘以3个月。开玩笑吧?已经1万美元了。钱到手了,但我的计划并未到此结束——可以开始第二步了。

  Step two, you ask? Simple. Take on more shifts at Jo’s. It never fails. More Jo’s shifts, more money in your pocket.

  你想知道第二步?简单。在Jo’s Café餐厅多上几天班。你永远不会失望,上班越多,口袋里的钱就越多。

  Step three: every other week, when your paycheck comes, cash it out and go straight to the racetrack. You pick a horse—any horse at all—and bet all of your money on it. All of it. If your horse wins, you’re a millionaire overnight, baby. But if you’re like me and you have terrible luck at the tracks, still no problem. Just head to the bar and drown your sorrows in booze.


  All right, so you’ve worked two long months at Jo’s and squandered pretty much all your earnings at the track. But you’ve got a little bit lt, and I’ll bet you can guess step four. Don’t worry though. You’re okay. Just keep following the steps and we’ll get you out of this.

  好吧,你已经在Jo’s Café餐厅工作两个月了,把赚来的所有钱都挥霍在赛马场了。但现在还剩点,我打赌你该猜到第四步了,别担心,你没事,就按我的步骤来做,会带你脱离困境的。

  Step five. Uh oh, things are looking really bad. That bookie was way more serious than you thought, and now you owe the mob thousands of dollars. Plus now you need the money more than ever, to support your rampant gambling and alcohol addictions.


  But hold on a second, what’s step six of my program? That’s right, you guys know where this is going. Step six: take out the mob boss. Think about it; they’ll never see it coming and this way you can wind up on top despite all of your fucking bad luck. Everyone will fear you, even respect you. It’s a bold move, but it’s all you’ve got at this point, and if you don’t do something drastic, you’re probably going to die. With the boss gone, you’ll be king of the streets, a big important guy, even… dare I say? A millionaire. Money! You’re rich, baby.


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