


2017/08/13 19:03:54 编辑: 瑞士 浏览次数:1404 移动端

  ROME (Reuters) - Denmark overtook Switzerland as the world’s happiest place, according to a report on Wednesday。


  The report, prepared by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Earth Institute at Columbia University, showed Syria, Afghanistan and eight sub-Saharan countries as the 10 least happy places on earth to live。


  The top 10 this year were Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, and Sweden。 Denmark was in third place last year, behind Switzerland and Iceland。


  The bottom 10 were Madagascar, Tanzania, Liberia, Guinea, Rwanda, Benin, Afghanistan, Togo, Syria and Burundi。


  The United States came in at 13, the United Kingdom at 23, France at 32, and Italy at 50。


  “There is a very strong message for my country, the United States, which is very rich, has gotten a lot richer over the last 50 years, but has gotten no happier,” said Professor Jfrey Sachs, head of the SDSN and special advisor to U.N。 Secretary General Ban Ki-moon。

  “这对我的国家来说是一个强有力的信息,美国,这个非常富有的国家,在过去的50年里变得越来越富有,但是却变得越来越不快乐。” 可持续发展解决方案网络的头领,同时也作为联合国秘书长潘基文特别顾问的教授杰瑞夫萨克斯说到。

  While the differences between countries where people are happy and those where they are not could be scientifically measured, “we can understand why and do something about it,” Sachs, one of the report’s authors, told Reuters in an interview in Rome。


  “The message for the United States is clear。 For a society that just chases money, we are chasing the wrong things。 Our social fabric is deteriorating, social trust is deteriorating, faith in government is deteriorating,” he said。


  “When countries single-mindedly pursue individual objectives, such as economic development to the neglect of social and environmental objectives, the results can be highly adverse for human wellbeing, even dangerous for survival,” it said。


  “Many countries in recent years have achieved economic growth at the cost of sharply rising inequality, entrenched social exclusion, and grave damage to the natural environment。”


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