


2017/08/13 19:03:35 编辑: 浏览次数:312 移动端

  A guy-cry film is a film that generally addresses a male audience, but has strong emotional material. Sports films are important to the guy-cry genre, but sports action is not necessarily essential to qualify a film as a genuine guy-cry. War movies and biographical films of a male character tend to also be guy-cry films.

  Guy-cry film(男性催泪影片)指主要面向男性观众,但表达情感强烈的影片。体育类影片是男性催泪影片的一个重要类别,但体育运动并不是构成一部男性催泪影片的必要因素。以男性为主角的战争片和传记片也属于男性催泪影片。

  Important themes to the guy-cry genre are concepts of brotherhood, sacrifice, loyalty, and family.


  Some notable films that could be dined as guy-cry would be Field of Dreams, Rudy, Brian's Song, The Best Years of Our Lives, The Wrestler, The Shawshank Redemption and Up.

  历史上可以被归入男性催泪影片的著名电影有:《梦幻成真》(Field of Dreams)、《追梦赤子心》(Rudy)、《布莱恩之歌》(Brian's Song)、《黄金时代》(The Best Years of Our Lives)以、《摔跤王》(The Wrestler)、《肖申克的救赎》(The Shawshank Redemption)以及《飞屋环游记》(Up)。

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