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Is 'streetwear' a racist term?
At the start of the millennium the New York Timescompiled a list of overused fashion adjectives. “Geek-chic”, “mash-up” and “fashionista” were included. Anupdated list for 2016 might include “streetwear”.
The latter term has troubling connotations for designers such as Nasir Mazhar who suggestedthat “streetwear” was a racially coded term. He told Dazed: “The minute people see black ornon-white models, they think it’s streetwear.”
街头服饰”一词带有隐晦性色彩,比如设计师Nasir Mazhar认为:“街头服饰”是一个带有种族歧视的词汇。他告诉Dazed杂志:“当人们看到黑人或非白人模特时,他们认为那就是街头服饰。”
Appropriately, for such a linguistically floppy term, its origins are dreamy and sun-kissed. “Streetwear” grew out of the US surf and skate culture of the 1960s and 70s. It later came toencompass comfortable clothes such as T-shirts and baggy jeans. In the UK, say “streetwear”and people think of joggers, caps and hoodies. Low-priced, soft-to-the-touch comfy wear thatnods to hip-hop. They don’t think of haute couture. In that sense, Mazhar tells me, it’s an oddfit with what he does.
“I’ve always associated the term with brands that mainly do T-shirts and sweatshirts,” he says. “They are not full-on fashion brands. So, in that sense, it’s belittling.” For him, it’s about feelingmisunderstood by the fashion pack. “When people describe my collection using that term, Ifeel like they don’t get what I’m doing.”
It’s a fair point when you consider that Mazhar’s most recent collection was inventive, surrealand contained absolutely no T-shirts whatsoever. His clothes are a celebration of opposites:tracksuits and tailored pieces, formal jackets, rave tops and denim wear. But instead of thocus being on these different aspects, he is seen as an urban streetwear designer. “I don’tthink people know how to talk about the looks or shapes I use. I’m not saying the clothes aremasterpieces, but people’s rerence points were really basic.”
Mazhar says he is always asked about the music in his shows, and the diversity of his models,but never the artistry behind his clothes. It echoes something Daryoush Haj-Najafi, senioreditor of Complex UK, asks: “Why, when Raf Simons designs a trainer, is it art, and whenKanye West does it, it’s a joke?”
Mazhar说他常被问及自己秀场的音乐和各种各样的模特,而不是衣服背后的艺术。正好应了Complex UK的高级编辑Daryoush Haj-Najafi说的那句话:“为什么同一款跑鞋,Raf Simons设计出来是艺术,而KanyeWest设计出来就是笑话?”
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