


2017/08/13 19:02:26 编辑: 浏览次数:61 移动端


  The Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) on Tuesday announced it will directly oversee the "problematic vaccine" case, and urged prosecuting bodies at all levels to spare no forts in their investigation.


  山东济南警方近日披露了价值5.7亿元的“问题疫苗”(problematic vaccine),大量未经冷藏的疫苗类产品流入全国24个省份。这些疫苗及生物制品虽为正规厂家生产(produced by licensed manufacturers),但由于未按照国家相关法律规定运输、保存(not transported and stored properly in approved condition),已难以保证品质和使用效果。

  目前,我国将疫苗分为两类,也就是一类和二类疫苗(a central government regulation on vaccine distribution and vaccination divided the country's approved vaccines into two categories)。

  一类疫苗,是指政府免费向公民提供,公民应当依照政府的规定受种的疫苗(residents are required to be vaccinated and there is no charge)。目前,这类疫苗以儿童常规免疫疫苗为主,包括乙肝疫苗、卡介苗、脊灰减毒活疫苗、百白破疫苗等等。

  二类疫苗,是指由公民自费并且自愿受种的其他疫苗(the vaccines are not free and residents can choose whether they want to be inoculated),比如水痘疫苗、流感疫苗、b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗、轮状病毒疫苗等等。

  此次山东警方通报的这起疫苗案件中,涉事的就属于二类疫苗(the vaccines confiscated in the case that fall under the second category)。

  问题疫苗最大的问题是“可能失效”,也就是可能不能为接种者建立有效的免疫屏障(build an fective immune barrier)。

  22日,世界卫生组织也发声明称,不正确储存或过期的疫苗(improperly stored or expired vaccines)几乎不会引起毒性反应(toxic reaction),因此在本事件中,疫苗安全风险非常低。


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