您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 在你朋友眼里,你是什么样的存在?.
1. You often find yourself laughing at your own jokes more than your friends do.讲笑话时自己永远是笑得最开心的那个。
2. And because of this you’ve experienced plenty of awkward silences after making a joke in your group.笑完之后永远会出现长达数秒的尴尬冷场。
3. When introducing you to new friends or family, you’ve been told to “just be normal.”带你去见新朋友或家人的时候提醒你“待会儿正常点儿”。
4. And quite honestly, you’re not really sure what being normal entails.你嘴上答应好好好,心里却在认真想“哈?正常点是什么意思嘛?”
5. Plus, when you try to be normal, you just see plenty of opportunities to be the exact opposite.结果当你试图正常的时候,却发现无数可以发挥本性的机会。
6. You’re all too familiar with that “What the hell are you doing” expression from your friends.周围的人常常对你说:“你到底是在干嘛啦!”
7. And the answer to their question is usually “Honestly, I’m not sure.”你的回答一般是:“我也不是很清楚”。
8. You can remember very specific instances in which you embarrassed your friends.你能回想起无数个让朋友丢脸的瞬间。
9. You are always the one ruining the squad photo.你的出现毁了一张又一张完美的合照。
10. Sometimes you feel like you have to reign yourself in so as not to disturb the peace.你有时觉得必须控制住体内的洪荒之力,以免破坏整体和谐气氛。
11. Your friends have received a multitude of bizarre texts from you.朋友们收到过很多你发来的奇奇怪怪的信息。
12. You’re not entirely sure why, but none of them come to you for relationship advice.你也很疑惑为什么朋友都不找你咨询感情问题。
13. But when they need help scaring people off, they come straight your way.但当他们需要吓跑别人的时候,总是第一时间跑来咨询你。
14. Sometimes all your friends are bonding over a thing and you have nothing to contribute because you’re not on the same wavelength.周围所有人都在聊同一问题或做同一件事时,你总掺不进去,因为你和大家并不在一个频道。
15. Which usually means you make side comments to entertain yourself.这个时候你就自动开启了自娱自乐模式。
16. And you have no problem with wandering off and doing your own thing.让你一个人在一边玩儿也毫无压力。
17. You fuckin’ love Twitter.虽然朋友圈微博很流行,但你仍然舍不下QQ空间。
18. And you make meme rerences or use obscure movie quotes in regular conversation.你的日常对话离不开一般人看不懂的表情包和听都没听过的电影台词。
19. You own various items of clothing or accessories that your friends would never be caught dead in.你的好多衣服和首饰是你朋友永远穿不出来的。
20. And theme parties are your DREAM.主题派对是你的最爱。
21. And when your friends FINALLY say “who wants to get weird tonight????” you are so ready.当你朋友说:“今晚我们大家都是傻逼!”时,你感觉终于受到了召唤。
22. Because no matter how strange you are, your friends love you for it and they know they can always count on you to make life a fun ride.因为不管你多二,你的朋友还是爱你的,你就是大家生活的娱乐版块。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲