


2017/08/13 18:35:35 编辑: 浏览次数:255 移动端


  Celebrity plastic surgery has been a source of fascination for decades, and speculation over who might have gone under the knife has practically become a national pastime. “Have they or haven’t they?” items are staples in celebrity weeklies, complete with side-by-side photos of stars “then and now.”


  While some celebs try their best to hide the work they’ve had done, or dlect with cliche excuses (“I had a deviated septum, OK?”), others — like the Kardashians — freely admit to fillers and even try out new procedures in front of the cameras.


  Dr. Paul Nassif and Dr. Terry Dubrow of E!’s “Botched” recently sat down with with The Huffington Post and dropped some serious truth bombs, including the one procedure every female star in Hollywood is having, the procedures celebs won’t admit to having, and the stars who are driving plastic surgery’s biggest trends.

  Paul Nassif医生和Terry Dubrow医生最近有点抽风,对赫芬顿邮报透漏了些秘密,抛出了一些“真相炸弹”。其中包括每一位好莱坞女星都会接受的整容流程,即那些明星们不会承认自己接受过的整容步骤,正是这些明星推动了整容业的蓬勃发展。

  It’s very likely that a celebrity has had some sort of cosmetic procedure.


  While noting that there are plenty of stars who denounce plastic surgery and fillers, Dr. Dubrow told The Huffington Post that if a celebrity looks “preserved,” they’ve most likely had some form of cosmetic work done. “But who knows?” he admitted.


  There was a time when every celebrity had practically the same face.


  There was period about seven or eight years ago, according to Dr. Dubrow, when the “hot thing” was to have fat injected into one’s face. The results of this procedure lt most of Hollywood looking “altered,” and he added that because of this, people were “starting to look weird.” The “new face,” he said, resulted in a homogenous look among stars.


  Now, the doctors say the trend for celebrities is just to look like a better, perhaps more youthful version of themselves instead of all looking alike.


  A lot of celebs aren’t having surgery, but are still having work done.


  While you might hear certain celebs claiming they’ve “never gone under the knife,” Dr. Nassif explained that a lot of celebrities are doing non-invasive treatments that don’t require surgery. CoolSculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, is one of those procedures. It freezes the body’s fat and requires very little recovery time. The Kardashians did it this season on “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”


  These days, there’s less shame associated with cosmetic surgery. It’s becoming more common for celebrities to be more open about the procedures they’ve had done.


  In terms of actually admitting to certain surgeries, both doctors agree there’s an evolution of admitting to “acceptable” procedures.


  “Celebrities will [admit to] breast implants now, but they wouldn’t for a while,” Dr. Dubrow said, “Liposuction was verboten to admit to. Now, they will say, ‘I had a little something sucked out.’” There are still some procedures and surgeries that no one will admit to undergoing.

  Dubrow 医生称,“明星可能现在会承认自己隆胸,但是之前就不会承认,吸脂手术在之前是不会被承认的,现在他们也承认了。他们会说‘我就是吸出了体内一些东西’。”但是仍旧有一些类型的整容是没有人会承认的。

  According to Dr. Dubrow, butt augmentation is still considered too taboo for celebrities to cop to having. Attitudes toward plastic surgery are constantly changing. Similar to liposuction now, he said we’ll likely see evolution of butt augmentation becoming “acceptable” in about four years.


  Almost “every single” female celebrity, “by and large,” has given her nose “a tweak.” Dr. Dubrow told HuffPost, while Dr. Nassif nodded in agreement. “Even the ones who had cute little noses, they had a tweak. Almost every single one, including the major young one right now. I’m not gonna say names, but [they] clearly had it done.”


  A few months bore the star Kylie Jenner turned 18, she finally ended the speculation and admitted she had lip injections (And once she was finally was old enough to vote, Jenner got down to specifics with the New York Times, revealing that she uses Juvéderm and goes to Dr. Ourian in Beverly Hills). Now, the beauty maven can’t stop talking about it and has caused more than a few copycats.

  在女明星Kylie Jenner18岁生日前几个月,她结束了针对自己整容的流言蜚语,承认自己做了丰唇手术(18岁后,Jenner向《纽约时报》透漏了自己的整容细节,承认自己在贝弗利山庄的Ourian医生那里注射玻尿酸)。如今,这位美容专家总是不禁谈起这件事,称其有许多盲目的模仿者。

  “The biggest thing now is young girls in their early 20s and their late teens are getting lip fillers everywhere,” Nassif said, while also adding that more and more women are getting fillers in their face. Young girls copying Jenner has led to a “disturbing” plastic surgery trend.

  Nassif 医生称“如今最大的问题是大部分年轻女性在20岁前后都会接受丰唇手术。”同时越来越多的女性会接受脸部填充。那些盲目追随Jenner的女孩掀起了一场令人忧心的整容狂潮。

  Bore Jenner announced she’d added fillers to her beauty routine, Dr. Dubrow said the American Society of Plastic Surgery never approved doing fillers in someone so young. But after the 18-year-old’s announcement, the procedure saw a serious uptick in popularity and suddenly became less taboo — a trend the doctor described as “disturbing.”

  Dubrow医生称,在Jenner 承认自己做了隆鼻手术前,美国整形外科协会根本不支持如此年轻的女性接受隆鼻手术。但是这位18岁的女星承认后, 隆鼻手术一时大火,也没有人再顾及专家的建议。因此医生称这种趋势令人担忧。

  “The American Society of Plastic Surgery is going ‘Oh, it’s OK now,” because it means dollars in our pockets,” Dr. Dubrow said. “I just think that’s uncool.”

  Dubrow 医生说道,“美国整形外科协会称‘噢,这样也可以吧’的原因是这会给他们带来不菲的收入。但是我觉得这种做法真的不好。”

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