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Narcissists aren’t just attractive to themselves。 They are, at least superficially, attractive to other people。
And as a new study of speed dating led by Emanuel Jauk of the University of Graz, in Austria, finds, people rate them as more attractive and more dateable。
To gather their daters, Jauk and company found people on social media and through the University of Graz website。
A total of 90 people participated in three dating events for a total of 691 dates (nice)。 Those participants took online surveys measuring their sexual orientation, their Big Five personality traits, and whether they had “dark triad” traits of Machiavellianism (the willingness to manipulate people), psychopathy (the inability to relate to others’ interior states), or narcissism。 They were also asked to rate the physical attractiveness of other participants by looking at photos of them。 Then came the dates themselves, and after each three-minute hang, the participants rated them on how much they wanted to be friends with that person, and how much they’d like to pursue a short-term relationship。
The ladies were marked as “yes” on further dates by 48 percent of men, and 30 percent of guys were deemed dateable by women。
The authors find that narcissistic people invest more in their appearance。 Also, narcissists tend toward vanity, and with that vanity, what researchers call “mating fort。”
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲