


2017/08/13 18:33:51 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:426 移动端


  The Queen is in line for a 6.5% payrise and could net a cool £45.6 million from the taxpayer next year if the way she is funded stays the same.英国女王可能将加薪6.5%。如果拨款方案不变,明年她将从纳税人手中获得4560万英镑。

  Figures released show a total profit of £304.1 million for the Crown Estate.公布的数据显示,英国皇家财产局的总利润为3亿410万英镑。

  If the Queen receives her Sovereign Grant calculated at the customary 15% of that she would be handed £45.6 million from the Treasury in April 2017, an increase of £2.8 million up from £42.8 million this year.皇家财产局利润的15%通常作为君王拨款。若以此计算,2017年4月,女王将从财政部获得4560万英镑,比今年的4280万英镑高出280万英镑。

  However, the formula for the Sovereign Grant is being reviewed this year by The Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Keeper of the Privy Purse who will potentially change the way it is calculated to less than 15% of Crown Estate profits.但今年,君王拨款的方案正交由首相、财政大臣和王室司库负责人重新审议,计算方式可能被改变,拨款将少于皇家财产局利润的15%。

  This could mean her payrise is smaller, but she will still be in line for a bumper sum as rules state she cannot get less than any previous year.这或许意味着女王加薪的幅度会减小,但因为“女王的收入不得低于以往任何一年”的规定,其总收入依然将非常丰厚。

  But a source said about the negotiations lately in light of Brexit turmoil: “This is hardly the moment where we are going to finalise a review of the Sovereign Grant.”然而鉴于英国退欧的混乱局势,有消息透露了日前的磋商情况:“当前不是我们敲定君王拨款的时候。”

  News of the potential payrise came as Keeper of the Privy Purse Sir Alan Reid revealed how the royals have spent the £40.1 million they were given in April 2015 - amounting to 62p per person per year in Britain.王室在2015年4月获得4010万英镑,相当于英国国民为此每年人均付出62便士。女王可能加薪一事传来的同时,王室司库负责人艾伦?里德爵士透露了这笔收入的花销情况。

  He also stressed they have added to this by raising £13.9 million of their own money including through renovating and renting out apartments.爵士还强调,王室除此收入外,还有1390万英镑的私人收入,包括整修和出租房屋的所得。

  Last year it was reported they were renting one in St James’s Palace thought to bring in nearly £250,000 per year.报道称,王室去年出租了圣詹姆斯宫的一套房子,据认为带来了近25万英镑的年收入。

  Prince Charles also revealed that his income from the Duchy of Cornwall estate rose to more than £20 million for the first time to £20.467 million up from £19.845 million the previous year.查尔斯王子也透露,他从康沃尔公爵领地获得的收入从前一年的1984.5万英镑上升到2046.7万英镑,首次超过了2000万英镑。

  Expenditure on the area of his accounts that funds Prince William, Kate and Harry was also up 9.5% from £2.965 million to £3.249 million, although officials would not say how much of the increase was down to the three young royals or itemise how that money was spent.查尔斯王子账户上用于威廉夫妇和哈里王子的支出也从296.5万英镑上升到324.9万英镑,上涨9.5%。不过官方不会说明上涨的支出有多少是因为这三位年轻的王室成员,也不会详细列明钱是怎么花出去的。

  The bill for royal travel was down to £4 million from £5.1 million the previous year, but there were still some eye-watering travel costs billed to the taxpayer including a £94,409 charter plane for Prince Charles and Camilla’s tour of the Balkans in March.王室旅行开支从前一年的510万英镑降至400万,但纳税人依然要承担一些巨额旅行开销,比如查尔斯王子和卡米拉三月访问巴尔干半岛时所花的9万4409英镑包机费。


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