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  1 都是套路!


  1 )games / tricks 对某人“耍花招”,把某人给“玩儿了”

  比如: play games with somebody

  play tricks on somebody

  2 )trap/setuptrap和setup都作为名词,表示“陷阱”,即“套路”“。

  比如: Don't buy his words. You will fall into his trap. 别信他的话,都是套路。


  多一点真诚,少一点套路。 Show more sincerity, play less tricks/setups.

  套路玩得深,谁把谁当真。 You are so good at playing tricks; let's play together.

  我走过最远的路,就是你的套路。 The longest road I've taken, is the tricky way you set me up.





  老师(敲黑板):"大家注意了,这道是送分题。" 老师(痛心状)“你们这届是我教过最差的一届。”







  2 撩妹?撩汉?不娶何撩!

  2016年,“太后”不再只是皇帝的妈妈。网友口中的“太后”是韩剧《太阳的后裔》(Descendants of the Sun)。



  1) flirt with与...调情,挑逗...

  不娶何撩! Stop flirting with me, if you have no intention to marry me.


  She is a real flirt. 她是一个情场高手。

  2 )hit on sb挑逗、调情、搭讪

  所以,撩妹是hit on a girl,撩汉子就是hit on a guy。

  How do you guys deal with it when other guys hit on your girl? I am usually at a loss of what to do when this occurs at parties. 你们碰到有人撩自己的女票都怎么办?我在派对上遇到这种事总是不知道该咋办。

  3 )pick up

  Pick up有很多种含义,在男女搞对象的语境下,指成功勾搭上一个异性。

  The best lines to pick up the guy or girl of your dreams. 这些最佳搭讪语,帮你把到梦中男神/女神。

  pick-up lines就是搭讪语。

  4) chat up 搭讪

  Song Joong Ki was trying to chat me up last night. 宋仲基昨晚上找我搭讪来着。

  Chat-up lines也是搭讪语。

  5) make a pass at sb调情

  美国女作家帕克(Dorothy Parker)有句名言:

  Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses. 男人很少和戴眼镜的女人调情。

  3 友谊的小船

  漫画师喃东尼创作了“友谊的小船说翻就翻”("friend ship" sinks)系列漫画,走红社交媒体。

  Friend ship友谊一词本来就是:friend(朋友的)ship(船),也有网友机智地音译为“翻的ship”。


  爱情版:友谊的小船说翻就翻,爱情的巨轮说沉就沉。 The ship of friendship sinks easily, so does the ship of love.

  亲情版:友谊的小船说翻就翻,亲情的火苗说灭就灭。 The ship of friendship sinks easily, while the flame of family love goes out swiftly.

  月光版:友谊的小船说翻就翻,刚发的工资说没就没。 The ship of friendship sinks easily, while the salary runs out quickly.

  吃货版:友谊的小船说翻就翻,刚吃的晚饭说饿就饿。The ship of friendship sinks easily, and a foodie gets hungry as soon as supper is consumed.

  4 一言不合就……

  Whenever you disagree with each other... The slightest disagreement leads to...



  一言不合就斗舞。 Whenever you disagree with each other, you solve it by dancing.

  一言不合就自拍。 Whenever you disagree with each other, you take selfies.

  5 没想到你是这样的……

  It didn't occur to me that you are such a...

  原来你是这样的段子手…… So actually you are a punster.

  段子手 punster, people who are good at making jokes,especially on social media.

  我看错你了,没想到你是这样的段子手。 I was wrong about you. It didn't occur to me that you are a punster.

  6 你咋不上天呢!

  直译:Why don't you fly up to the sky! 意译:Who do you think you are?!


  Impressive. (Who do you think you are?!)

  Amazing idea. (Who do you think you are?!)

  That's damn right. (Who do you think you are?!)

  Interesting / Of course you do. (Who do you think you are?!)

  7 我好方


  然后随着表情包的崛起,“我好方”流行起来。 尤其是还珠格格系列的表情包……


  I'm so worried / anxious / nervous about...

  I am as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. 我“方”得像热锅上的蚂蚁。

  我开始方了 I'm starting to worry...

  8 宝宝心里苦但宝宝不说

  My heart hurts but I am not going to let you know.

  最早流行起来的“吓死宝宝了!”(直译:Baby is freaked out!),有一说是源自“跑男”里的王宝强。


  I am freaked out! ?You scared me! ?I am frightened out of my wits! ?You did give me a good scare!


  我还是个宝宝~ I am still an innocent baby.

  宝宝心里苦,可还要保持微笑~ Baby's heart hurts but baby has to keep smiling.

  宝宝晕倒了,要抱抱才能起~ Baby has passed out, and baby cannot wake up / stand up / recover without a hug.

  宝宝伐开心,要亲亲才能好~ Baby is unhappy, baby wants a kiss.

  好啦,online buzzwords先讲到这里,大家开心就好!

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