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You’ve heard it bore: Most things at the airport are a total rip-off. Traveling necessities like food, rillable water bottles, books, socks and electronics should always be packed from home so you can avoid inflated airport prices.
The costs of goods typically surge at airports because of supply and demand. An airport eatery or shop is a traveler’s only option for a last-minute purchase or meal, so if a traveler is in a bind, he or she will shell out the cash. In addition, airport rent space is very expensive for vendors, so retailers often hike the prices of their products to make a profit.
However, some items in duty-free shops (otherwise known as tax-free) are actually worth the buy. So if you’re in a scramble for a few things bore your flight, we compiled a list of the best steals.
1. Alcohol
In duty-free shops, alcohol is a great steal without tax, and can be anywhere from25-50% off compared to domestic prices. Plus, according to TSA, you can bring up to 3.4 oz on the plane, and mini bottles of alcohol are usually about 1.7 oz, so you can easily throw your purchase into your carry-on!
2. Tobacco products
Just like alcohol, you can also find great deals on tobacco products including cigars and cigarettes pre-tax.
3. Hair and skincare products
Premium beauty products can be up to 50% at duty-free shops.
4. Makeup
Similar to hair and skin products, you can find top-notch makeup at airports with huge discounts.
5. Magazines
Although magazines are on the pricier side at airports, if you want some light reading for the plane, you can still grab a copy for a few bucks. It may cost a little more than you’d usually pay somewhere else, but the price difference isn’t huge. And if it’ll get you through the flight, this purchase is worth it.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲