


2017/08/13 18:24:53 编辑: 浏览次数:341 移动端

  13 waterlogged road sections in downtown Beijing had been temporarily closed to traffic, as the capital was hit by heavy rainfall rarely seen in years Wednesday.


  19日上午,北京发布暴雨蓝色预警(blue storm alert),20日清晨预警级别升级至黄色,当日下午又升级为橙色预警(orange alert)。受降雨影响(due to the rain),截至20日下午4时,北京首都国际机场共有226架航班被取消(a total of 226 flights have been canceled at Beijing Capital International Airport),铁路列车服务也受到影响(train services have also been affected)。

  来自气象部门的数据显示(according to data from meteorological authorities),北京此轮降雨过程持续了40多个小时,平均降水量(average precipitation)接近176毫米,最大降水量出现在房山区,接近420毫米。北京全市平均降雨量已超过4年前的"7·21"暴雨。强降雨导致市内出现多个"积水路段"(waterlogged road sections)。受此影响,北京市共有164条公交线路(bus routes)采取临时措施,其中包括119条甩站、8条绕行、14条停驶(services suspended or canceled on 14 routes)等。不少网友在微博和朋友圈PO图调侃:"过了积水潭,下一站还是积水潭"。

  更有网友在微博贴出"雨中故宫"照,调侃去"故宫看海"。据称,虽然大雨如注,当日参观故宫的游客数量仍达3万多人(more than 30,000 tourists visited the Forbidden City that day despite of the heavy rain)。然而故宫官方对此回应称,由于故宫拥有较完善的排水系统(sound drainage system),故宫未见积水(free of flooding)。据一名故宫工作人员(a staff member of the Forbidden City)介绍,在短时大量降雨时,故宫确实可能出现局部积水情况,但得益于完善的排水设计,雨水能在20分钟内排掉(floods can be drained off in 20 minutes)。

  故宫古建部专家介绍,故宫排水系统(drainage systems)分为三类,分别是建筑(buildings)、地表径流(surface runoff)、地下暗沟(under drains)。"建筑排水就是雨水落到建筑表面后,可以沿着琉璃瓦落到地面上(rain falls on the surface of the buildings and can further drop onto the ground along the glazed roof tiles)。"该专家称,之后水会沿着明沟流到暗沟沟口,还有一部分直接形成地表径流(form surface runoff)到暗沟,最终通过内金水河排出故宫。由于故宫的地面顺应北京地区西北高(higher elevations in the northwest)、东南低(lower elevations in the southeast)的走势,使积水能顺利排出(enable the smooth drainage of water)。


  小雨 light rain

  中雨 moderate rain

  大雨 heavy rain

  暴雨 torrential rain

  大暴雨 downpour

  特大暴雨 heavy downpour

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