您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 因为没有评论老总微博,这些员工居然被罚款了50元.
Employees at a travel company in eastern China have been fined for not commenting on their boss’s social media posts, it’s reported.
More than 200 members of staff at the business in Jinan were slapped with penalties of 50 yuan each ($7.50) under the policy, the official Beijing Youth Daily reports. Workers were told to comment on CEO Zhang Ming’s Weibo microblogging account, where he posts a mix of company updates and motivational quotes. Those who didn’t were "punished accordingly", marketing manager Zhao Ruxin tells the paper, adding that it was done to improve the work ethic of younger staff.
One unidentified worker tells the paper they were fined without prior warning. Others say they believe the policy violates labour laws, and that fines were also meted out for things like not carrying bags featuring the corporate logo.But it seems that all publicity is good publicity to Mr Zhang, who wrote a long post saying it’s good people now understand the company’s corporate culture. He says that while "of course people are not happy to be fined", the business relies on staff to promote it and spur growth.
一位不愿透露姓名的员工表示,被告知罚款前,并不知晓有此项规定。还有一些人说,他们认为这项规定是违反劳动法的,此外,该公司还有类似的“奇葩”罚款规定,如要求员工每天携带印有企业标志的环保袋,如果不执行也会被罚款。但似乎所有的宣传都是在为公司老总张明作宣传。他发了一条长长的微博表示,现在人们都理解了公司的企业文化,这非常好。同时他说,“当然人们都不愿意被罚款”,不过公司能走到今天,正仰赖于 “认同并宣扬企业文化的员工”。
Weibo users aren’t impressed, though. Among more than 4,000 comments on the post, one user writes: "I will tell friends and relatives not to use this travel agency in the future, this is terrible." Many accuse him of vanity, and one comment reads: "If you agree with this boss, you have a warped outlook." But one woman concedes that it did get the company noticed. "I admit, what you cooked up wasn’t bad, otherwise I wouldn’t have known about your travel firm," she says.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲