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  NEW YORK, Aug. 23 (Xinhua) -- Chinese ride hailing and sharing company Didi Chuxing was selected on the Fortune list of "2016 Change the World", shortly after the acquisition of Uber China that cemented its leading position in Chinese transportation service market.


  As the only Chinese mainland company on the annual list of the U.S.-based magazine, Didi Chuxing, estimated to be worth 35 billion U.S. dollars, ranked the 30th mainly because of its contribution to the environment.


  British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline topped the list, followed by Israeli water desalination firm IDE Technologies and U.S. multinational conglomerate General Electric.


  Published on Saturday, Fortune highlighted Didi’s positive impact on cutting emissions of greenhouse gases.


  Last year, car-pooling services from Didi helped reduce total car trips in China by 1 million a day, which saved 500 million liters of gas and cut 13.5 million tons of carbon emissions per day, it said.


  "That’s not the only way in which Didi is a pollution-buster," it said. "Its taxi service reduces the time drives aimlessly cruise around across 400 cities; its bus service coordinates long-haul private buses for commuters and car-pooling reduces congestion."


  Founded in 2012, Didi Chuxing became China’s largest transportation network firm after the merger of competitors Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache.


  On Aug. 1, global ride-hailing giant Uber Technologies Inc. said it decided to sell the business of Uber China unit to Didi Chuxing. By this merge, investors in Uber China unit will own 20 percent of Didi; while Didi will invest 1 billion dollars in Uber.


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