您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 《权利的游戏》真爱粉才懂的痛,看看你中招了没?.
1. The excruciating length of time between seasons, which when they finally come on include only 10 episodes. Can they not just adopt the Pretty Little Liars method, wherein they make 500 episodes, then split the season in two and punctuate it with holiday specials, so the show is on for essentially the entire year?
2. The sheer amount of reading involved. Even if you're not a book fan, you're going to be spending a healthy chunk of time analyzing theories on Reddit because you just couldn't quite figure out who that one dude was. And don't forget the cast and creator interviews either!
3. Arguing with your friends over who gets to host the viewing party this week. It's my turn to make the lemon cakes, damn it!
4. Spoilers everywhere. You always do your best to watch it every Sunday at 9 p.m., but if for some reason you can't, you'll be made it to Monday without finding out that [spoiler] killed [spoiler] in the [spoiler] with [spoiler].
5. Trying to rein it in when you're talking to a casual viewer and they get a fact wrong. Correcting your hairdresser about Jon Snow's relationship to Daenerys Targaryen is really not necessary, especially when she's got scissors in her hand.
6. The overwhelming desire to own a direwolf. Or at least a dog that looks like one.
7. The knowledge that your favorite character can die at any time, and probably will.R.I.P., Margaery Tyrell. You were too good for this world.
8. If you're a book reader, the confusion that comes with trying to keep up with what's happened on the show but not in the books and vice versa. This must be what it feels like to be the Three-Eyed Raven.
9. Bankruptcy, from buying all the merchandise. You don't need to know why I need the Game of Thrones editions of both Monopoly and Risk, you just need to know that I need them.
10. Anxiety about the Winds of Winter release date. Tell your boss to expect that you'll need a week off surrounding the holy day, and you will not be reachable via email, phone, or raven in that time period so don't even try it.
11. Listening to the soundtrack on a loop, forever. "Light of the Seven" is your life now. Just accept it.
循环播放原声碟,一直就这么播放着。“Light of the Seven”现在是你生活的一部分了!不要试图反抗。
12. The fact that almost everyone on the show is extremely attractive, even when they're evil. Am I kind of attracted to Tywin Lannister? Is Ramsay Bolton ... good-looking? Help me, Maiden.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲