您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 教师节来了!你们心中的好老师是什么样?.
开学后一个礼拜我们迎来了又一个教师节这是我们国家的第32个教师节面对即将到来的第32个教师节家长和学生们就像进入了第32个战场狂扫各大商场、平台和某宝鲜花、本子、钢笔.....come on~走心的准备一份教师节礼物好嘛~来看看大家心目中的好老师是什么样
Great teaching seems to have less to do with our knowledge and skills than with our attitude toward our students, our subject, and our work.
1. A great teacher respects students. Students feel safe to express their feelings and learn to respect and listen to others.
2. A great teacher creates a sense of community and belonging in the classroom. In this small community, there are rules to follow and jobs to be done and each student is aware that he or she is an important, integral part of the group.
3. A great teacher is warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring. Great teachers possess good listening skills.
4. A great teacher sets high expectations for all students. This teacher realizes that the expectations she has for her students greatly affect their achievement.
5. A great teacher has his own love of learning and inspires students with his passion for education.
6. A great teacher is a skilled leader. This great teacher conveys this sense of leadership to students by providing opportunities for each of them to assume leadership roles.
7. A great teacher is flexible when a lesson isn’t working. This teacher finds new ways to make sure that every student understands the key concepts.
8. A great teacher collaborates with colleagues on an ongoing basis. A great teacher uses constructivecriticism and advice as an opportunity to grow as an educator.
9. A great teacher maintains professionalism in all areas.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲