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Britain’s Ministry of Dense (MOD) confirmed Sunday it is finalizing a contract worth almost 40 million US dollars to develop the country’s first laser weapons for military use.
The contract with British firm MBDA UK will see the development of a Laser Directed Energy Weapon Capability Demonstrator,
The project will assess innovative laser directed energy weapon technologies and approaches, culminating in a demonstration of the system in 2018/19, said the MOD.
Called Dragonfire, it sounds like something straight from science fiction movie such as Star Wars. What would be Britain’s first laser weapon, was capable of being mounted on ships to shoot down enemy jets and missiles or even used by ground forces to destroy incoming mortar rounds.
It could replace conventional systems, offering a lower cost and more ficient alternative to current weapons. A laser only needs a power source to fire, whereas conventional weapons need ammunition or use missiles, which relatively expensive and take up space.
The company behind the technology, MBDA UK, say the initiative will put Britain at the forront of laser system technology.
MBDA spokesman Dave Armstrong said: "Dragonfire will put the UK at the forront of high energy laser systems, capitalizing on the experience of joint MoD/Industry working in the complex weapons environment.
欧洲导弹集团发言人戴维·阿姆斯特朗(Dave Armstrong)说:“通过相互借鉴器国防部与本行业在复杂环境下工作的经验 ,‘龙火’会使英国在高能激光系统方面走在前列。
"Furthermore, it advances the UK towards a future product with significant export potential, as well as providing opportunities for partnerships with other nations’ armed forces that have similar requirements."
“The MOD said the contract will assess how the system can acquire and track targets at range, in varying weather conditions, over land and water, and, crucially, with sufficient precision to enable safe and fective engagement.
Nick Joad, from the MOD’s Dense Science and Technology (Dstl) said the project is being made possible under a disruptive capabilities initiative that the MOD is delivering to ensure it retains the ability to have a decisive edge through the use of advanced technology.
来自国防科技实验室(DSTL)的尼克·乔德(Nick Joad)表示,国防部决心通过使用先进的技术来确保自己可以占据决定性优势,这个项目就是在这追求颠覆性能力的主张下才得以规划的。
Dstl’s Peter Cooper said: "This is a significant demonstration program aimed at maturing our understanding of what is still an immature technology. It draws on innovative research into high power lasers so as to understand the potential of the technology to provide a more fective response to the emerging threats that could be faced by UK armed forces."
国防科技实验室的彼得·库伯(Peter Cooper)说:“这是一个重要的演示程序,目的在于深化我们对一个尚未成熟的技术的理解。它借鉴了高功率激光器的创新研究,以了解该技术的潜力,为英国军队可能面临的威胁提供一个更有效的应对方法。
Rear Admiral Paul Bennett said the Royal Navy remains committed to the rapid exploitation of revolutionary concepts and scientific advances.
海军少将保罗·班内特(Paul Bennett)说,皇家海军仍然致力于探索快速探索革新理念、促进科学进步。
"The project sits alongside other cutting edge initiatives that together keep the Royal Navy at the forront of change and well placed to be an early adopter of innovative technologies," said Bennett.
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