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WASHINGTON, Oct. 31 -- The U.S. Justice Department said Monday that it will try to reach a quick conclusion of the latest probe into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik assured Congress in a letter that his department "will continue to work closely with the FBI and together, dedicate all necessary resource and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible."
助理检察长Peter Kadzik在一封信中向国会承诺该部门“将会继续和联邦调查局密切合作,尽快调用所有必要资源并采取一切合理手段”。
The pledge came after FBI director James Comey said Friday new evidences relating to Clinton’s private email server are being assessed.
联邦调查局局长James Comey周五宣称,与克林顿私人邮件服务器有关的新证据已经进入了评估阶段。在此之后,就有了司法部的保证。
Comey’s announcement drew criticism from Democrats who accused him of not following the tradition of keeping investigations from the public’s sight 60 days bore presidential elections.
The White House dended Comey Monday, with press secretary Josh Earnest saying President Barack Obama does not believe that Comey was intentionally trying to sway the election.
白宫方面于周一为Comey进行了辩护,新闻秘书Josh Earnest称巴拉克·奥巴马总统不相信Comey是刻意影响大选。
Clinton on Monday played down the damage of the probe, telling a rally in the swing state of Ohio that "there’s no case here" and that she’s confident no charges will be made.
Seizing on the investigation, Republican candidate Donald Trump warned Monday that if Clinton were to be elected, the country would face a "constitutional crisis."
Benitting from the email controversy, Trump narrowed the gap with Clinton by gaining 2.4 percent in the polls over the weekend, according to an average of major polls calculated by RealClearPolitics.
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