

Surface Studio vs MacBook Pro:微软苹果新品 你会选哪个?.

2017/08/13 17:40:04 编辑: 浏览次数:271 移动端


  At an event in New York on Wednesday, Microsoft unveiled the sleek Surface Studio: a 28-inch all-in-one PC that converts into something akin to a digital drafting table. Reclined at about 20 degrees, it can be used with a dedicated stylus and so-called Surface Dial—a small puck that adds a mechanical means of interacting with the touchscreen.

  在周三纽约举行的发布会上,微软公司发布首款Surface Studio:这款拥有28英寸显示屏的台式一体机电脑,屏幕可以变成一张数字绘图桌。整个显示屏以20度角向后倾斜,能够使用专用手写笔,还配有被称之为Surface Dial的旋转旋钮。

  Microsoft also launched a new set of tools to create art in 3-D, which the company imagines people will view using its Hololens. Or, perhaps, a VR headset, given that Microsoft also made good on its promise tohelp make the devices ubiquitous. It’s been working with HP, Dell, Lenovo, Asus, and Acer, and promised that all will soon all ship VR headsets for $300.


  Apple, meanwhile, showed off its latest hardware offering on Thursday: an updated version of its MacBook Pro laptop. With a slim screen and there’s also Apple’sfingerprint-sensing TouchID built in to enable login, payments, and other secure operations. The 15-inch notebook start at $2,399.

  与此同时,苹果公司也于周四发布其最新产品:升级版MacBook Pro笔记本电脑。全新的 MBP 采用超薄显示屏,配备指纹传感器,用于保障登录,付款和其他安全操作。15英寸MacBook Pro 售价为2399美金起。

  Microsoft is now attempting to change the way we interact with desktop devices and providing the tools for us to become more involved with the virtual world. Apple, meanwhile, appears to be stuck in a rut. It’s simply adding new features to already successful devices rather than reinventing our relationship with technology.


  None of this is to say that Microsoft will succeed. Its new products are squarely aimed at the creative professionals that would typically buy Apple products, and winning them over will be a tough fight. Or, if you’re Apple, perhaps look away from it instead.


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