您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 苹果承诺将为意外关机的iphone6s免费更换电池!.
Apple Inc said it will provide a free batteryreplacement for customers globally who haveexperienced an unexpected shutdown with theiriPhone 6s smartphones.
苹果公司日前表示,将为全球各地遭遇iPhone 6s智能手机意外关机的消费者免费更换电池。
Apple has determined that a very small number ofiPhone 6s devices may unexpectedly shut down, thecompany said in a statement.
苹果在一份声明中表示,该公司已确认有极少数的iPhone 6s设备可能会意外关机。
This isn't a safety issue and only affects devices within a limited serial number range thatwere manufactured in September and October 2015, Apple said.
The battery life of both iPhone 6s and 6s Plus have reportedly been questioned by consumersafter they complained how their phones would shut down even when the battery showed asignificant amount of power.
据报道, iPhone 6s和6s Plus的电池寿命均受到了消费者的质疑。此前有消费者投诉称,即使在电池显示电量充足的情况下,手机仍会关机。
Apple said customers experiencing the problem can visit an Apple retail store or authorizedservice provider to verify that their device was manufactured during the covered period.
Customers who previously paid to have their batteries replaced for this issue can contactApple to request runds.
The iPhone 6s was released last year but is still being sold. Apple released its latest version, theiPhone 7, this fall.
iPhone 6s手机于去年发布,现在仍在热销。苹果公司于今年秋天发布了最新机型iPhone 7。
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