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  A group of young, open- minded Chinese friends, recently asked me, "What is the best recipe for choosing the perfect life partner?"


  I knew there was no easy answer, especially in the context of the rising divorce rate in China. Every morning, millions of people wake up hoping to find their soul mates, while millions consider changing their partners.


  Almost half of the marriages in China fail. From the other half, 50 percent continue to live unhappily either because they have no better option or due to social pressure.


  I told them there isn’t one right way to select one’s perfect match because each of us is unique. We come from different backgrounds and have different goals in life.


  We often leave the most important decision of life in the hands of destiny. But, even animals don’t choose their mates randomly. Female animals are very selective. Similarly, male animals look for the healthy females to take the generation forward.


  A young girl interrupted me to say that girls are more serious about finding the right partner than the guys.


  Well, to some extent, she was right. Many Chinese girls fall in and out of relationships, trying to find the right person. Some give up; some don’t. Some start mistrusting men and hate the idea of marriage. The lucky ones inspire others to continue their quest.


  One of the guys told me he often gets confused. I told them that the first step in finding their mate is to understand their "self." You should have a clear idea of who you are and what kind of life you are looking for. Are you looking for a mother/father figure? Are you looking for someone who can supplement your strengths and overlook your weaknesses?


  Are you looking for someone who has similar interests? For instance, if you love to travel, would you marry someone who hates traveling? If you are a fitness freak, would you be able to cope with a lazy bum? Do you want someone rich to give you a comfortable life or someone who can be a bedrock of emotional support?


  Once you know yourself, it will be easier to identify potential partners. Communication at the same intellectual and emotional level can be a great deciding factor. Whatever your strategy, deciding should never be rushed.


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