


2017/08/13 17:27:09 编辑: 浏览次数:356 移动端


  A Japanese film has made history by becoming the first animation not made by the legendary Studio Ghibli[吉卜力工作室] to rake in[赚大钱,发财] more than 10bn yen (£76m; $98m) in a month. But what exactly is it that has been drawing in the crowds?

  It is a body-swapping fantasy


  Your Name, also known as Kimi no Na wa(君の名は) in Japanese, is a body-swapping fantasy with two teenagers at its heart.


  Based on a novel, it tells the story of Mitsuha, a female high school student in a rural Japanese town, and Taki, a male high school student in central Tokyo.


  Mitsuha starts dreaming of herself as a young man. Taki also begins seeing himself through the eyes of a female student in the countryside.


  The rest of the movie explores their body-swap and the journey they go on involves time travel as well as disastrous deadly comets[彗星].


  It mirrors the boy-girl swaps found in old Japanese tales


  Director Makoto Shinkai[新海诚] is said to have been inspired by a classic Japanese 12th Century tale, Torikaebaya Monogatari[1], which features a sibling duo[2], where a boy is raised as a girl and the girl raised as a boy because of their personality.

  [1]Torikaebaya Monogatari (とりかえばや物语) 真假鸳鸯谱


  [2]duo ['dju???]

  two people, especially two singers, musicians, or other performers (歌手、乐手等的)二人组合,一对搭档

  And it's there in more recent tales too.

  Tenkousei(转校生) is a Japanese film made in 1982 also about a teenage boy and girl who swapped bodies when they fell down some stairs at a temple. A father and daughter switch bodies in 2007, TV drama Papa to Musume no Nanokakan(父女七日变).

  It captures the melancholy of adolescent dreaming


  It touches on universal themes such as coming of age[成年], adolescence and the struggle to assert your identity in a confusing world.


  In Your Name the characters wake up from their dreams as each other and the line between reality and dreams constantly blurs.


  This aspect of the film, Shinkai says, was influenced by a famous Japanese poem titled Yume to Shiriseba. It reads:


  "I wonder if he appeared in my dream because I fell asleep thinking of him. I wouldn't have woken up if I had known it was a dream."


  That melancholy[3] moment of bleary[4] wakulness after a dream is the sensation[感觉;感知;(尤指难以形容的)总体感觉] Shinkai appears to have been reaching for in this film.


  [3]melancholy [?mel?nk?li]

  sad 忧郁的,忧伤的

  melancholy autumn days


  [4]bleary ['bl??ri]

  If you have bleary eyes, your eyes are red or have tears in them and you cannot see clearly, because you are tired or have just woken up. (眼睛)视线模糊的,惺忪的

  to be bleary-eyed


  It is a reminder of the earthquake that changed a nation


  It also draws upon the experience of Japan in the wake of the deadly 2011 earthquake, the most powerful to have ever hit Japan, and which claimed 16,000 lives.


  Widely rerred to as 3.11, Shinkai said that it changed not just him but the whole of Japanese society.


  The film itself is also overshadowed by the threat of a natural disaster. Shinkai said he used the film to rlect a sentiment that many, including himself, shared - that a disaster could strike[5] at any moment.


  [5]strike:to cause a person or place to suffer severely from the fects of something very unpleasant that happens suddenly 突然侵袭;使受折磨;使遭受重创

  "You will never know when Tokyo could become like this," the character Taki says at one point.

  “你永远不知道东京什么时候会变成这样。” 男主角立花泷在影片某情节中说。

  "It takes five years to digest the shocking experience and sublimate[6] to such a scale of art," one Twitter user Yoshinaga Tastuki rlected.

  “需要五年才能从这种可怕的经历中走出,并把它升华到这种形式的艺术。”一推特用户Yoshinaga Tastuki评论说。

  [6]sublimate:to express strong emotions or use energy by doing an activity, especially an activity that is considered socially acceptable 使转化(尤指转化为社会可接受的行为),使升华,使高尚化

  Hostile feelings and violent responses often seem to be sublimated into sporting activities.


  Fans are making pilgrimages to its stunning locations


  The film has also been appreciated for its beautiful graphics, often modelled after real-life locations.


  "I finally watched Your Name. The story, acting and music were all good but most of all I was overwhelmed by the beauty of [the] images. Each cut was amazing," said one user on Twitter.


  Other users posted pictures of real-life locations that the film modelled after, with fans descending upon locations such as Shinkai's home town in Nagano Precture[长野县], the Gifu precture[岐阜县] and even Tokyo.


  And the film's audience was not limited to only Japan.


  "Each detail of the film was painstakingly[极力的;煞费苦心地] thought out and executed with such precision and passion," Canadian anime fan Ismael Ramos told the BBC. "It was a perfect balance of art, music and storytelling."

  “影片中的每个细节都是经过深思熟虑,用精准和热情拍摄而成的。”一位加拿大的动画迷Ismael Ramos对BBC记者说:“这部影片很好地平衡了艺术、音乐和故事。”

  Hope for the next generation of mainstream Japanese animation


  For the film to be such a success, it had to transcend[7] boundaries and appeal to audiences wider than young people and anime fans.


  [7]transcend:to go further, rise above, or be more important or better than something, especially a limit 超越,超过,超出(尤指界限)

  The best films are those which transcend national or cultural barriers.


  As such, Shinkai has been hailed by some as being the next Hayao Miyazaki[宫崎骏], whose name is almost synonymous with[与..同义] anime and has been credited with[被认为] bringing Japanese animation to a broad global audience.


  He directed award-winning hits such as Spirited Away(千与千寻), Princess Mononoke(幽灵公主) and Howl's Moving Castle(哈尔的移动城堡) during his time with Studio Ghibli, all of which have gone on to break the 10bn yen mark.

  "Shinkai is on his way to Miyazaki status with Kimi no Na wa(你的名字)," said one Twitter user.

  Others had a slightly different view.


  "I think Miyazaki and Shinkai actually have very distinct styles, though they are equally as powerful," said Mr Ramos.


  "What they do have in common is the ability to take audiences through a journey and experience, which I believe is the ultimate goal of any artist."


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