

SLEP考试样题(Section 1-PartC).

2017/08/13 17:20:06 编辑: 浏览次数:250 移动端

 The first section of the SLEP test measures ability to understand spoken English and is about 40 minutes long. It is divided into four parts, with four different types of questions.

  Part C

  The questions in this part are based on conversations between students or announcements made by teachers or administrators in a school. The questions are given bore the talks begin, allowing students to direct their attention to listening for the correct answer. The questions and answers are printed in the test book. For each question, students must choose one of four answers.

  Sample Questions

  1. On tape:

  (Narrator) Listen for the answer to the following question. What did the girl think the homework assignment was for math class? Here is the conversation.

  (Boy) Did you figure out the answer to problem number ten in the math homework?

  (Girl) Number ten? I thought we were only supposed to do the first eight problems.

  (Boy) That’s what the teacher said at the beginning of class, but right bore the bell rang she changed the assignment to the first twelve problems.

  (Narrator) What did the girl think the homework assignment was for math class?

  In the test book:

  What did the girl think the homework assignment was for math class?

  (A) Only problem number 10

  (B) Problem numbers 1 through 8

  (C) Problem numbers 1 through 10

  (D) Problem numbers 1 through 12

  2. On tape:

  (Narrator) Listen for the answer to the following question. Which bus will not be running this afternoon? Here is the announcement.

  (Man) Please excuse this interruption. There has been a change in the school bus routes this afternoon. The number five bus has a flat tire, so all students who normally take the number five bus will take the number two bus today. All those students who are changing to the number five bus must report to the office sometime during periods four, five, or six to sign a change-of-bus-route form so that the bus driver will know how many students will be on the bus.

  (Narrator) Which bus will not be running this afternoon?

  In the test book:

  Which bus will not be running this afternoon?

  (A) Number 2

  (B) Number 3

  (C) Number 5

  (D) Number 6

  3. On tape:

  (Narrator) Listen for the answer to the following question. Where is Linda’s new job? Here is the conversation.

  (Boy) Hey, Linda, I hear you got a job at the music store in the mall. Sounds like fun.

  (Girl) Actually, I was offered a job a the music store. I accepted a job as a teller at the bank.

  (Boy) Well, that makes sense. You’re planning to study finance in college, right?

  (Girl) Exactly. I thought it would be better to work at a place now that would prepare me for what I want to do in the future.

  (Narrator) Where is Linda’s new job?

  In the test book:

  Where is Linda’s new job?

  (A) At a music store

  (B) At a restaurant

  (C) At a college

  (D) At a bank

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