

SLEP考试Section II样题.

2017/08/13 16:46:00 编辑: 浏览次数:282 移动端


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  Part A


  ( picture )

  Sample Questions

  1. All those wet clothes. The children will want to stay outside and I&apos&aposll spend my time trying to keep them dry.

  2. I can hardly wait to make the first snowball. I&apos&aposve been waiting all year to get back at her.

  3. Oh, my aching back. The car will be covered and I&apos&aposll have to shovel it out.

  4. Isn&apos&apost it great that school might be closed? I&apos&aposd much rather have fun outside than stay in school. What better way to spend a snowy day.

  5. I&apos&aposm going to be awfully hungry. I shouldn&apos&apost have hidden that bone. It would have been better to leave it in the house.

  Part B


  Sample Questions

  1. One girl is eating ice cream but two aren&apos&apost. ( picture )

  2. The small square is in the upper lt corner. ( picture )

  3.He is bending over to pink up the box. ( picture )

  4.The car almost hit him while he was crossing the street. ( picture )

  Part C


  Sample Passage and Questions

  1. Sound is something we

  (A) hears. (B) hearing. (C) heard. (D) hear. It comes to your

  2. (A) eyes (B) nose(C) ears (D) mouth in different ways. It might be pleasant,

  3. like the voice of a friend, (A)when (B) as (C) or (D) since unpleasant, like the screech

  4. of a train&apos&aposs wheels on a railroad (A) station. (B) track.(C) light. (D) conductor. Some sounds are loud,

  5. and some are soft; some are high, and some are (A) full. (B) low. (C) quiet. (D) big. Sound is

  6. very (A) importance (B) importantly (C) important (D) import to us because it is the basic means of communcation.


  Sample Questions

  7. What does screech in line 3 mean?


  8. Which of the phrases below is another example of a pleasant sound, similar to the phrase in the sentence that begins in line 2, "like the voice of a friend" ?

  (A)Like the ring of an alarm(B)Like the wail of a siren

  (C)Like the honk of a horn (D)Like the song of a bird

  9. Which sentence below has almost the same meaning as the sentence that begins in line 5 ?

  (A) It is meaningful to communicate with sound.

  (B) The main way we communicate is with sound.

  (C) The meaning of sound is basic to communication.

  (D) In order to communicate, we need basic sounds.

  Part D


  Sample Passage and Questions

  The footsteps began about a quarter past one o&apos&aposclock in the morning, a rhythmic, quick-cadenced walking around the dining room table. My mother was asleep in one room upstairs, my brother Herman in another; grandfather was in the attic, in the old walnut bed. I had just stepped out of the bathtub and was busily rubbing myself with a towel when I heard the steps. They were the steps of a man walking rapidly around the dining room table downstairs.

  1. What did the writer hear?

  (A)A soldier marching (B)His brother snoring

  (C)His mother talking (D)A person walking

  2. Where did the sounds come from?

  (A)The attic (B)The dining room

  (C)The bathroom (D)The stairs

  3.What was most of the family doing?

  (A) Listening(B)Working(C)Bathing(D)Sleeping

  4.What was the writer doing?

  (A)Talking to himself (B)Drying himself

  (C)Brushing his hair (D)Getting dressed

  5.The bed in the attic was made of which of the following materials?

  (A) Metal(B)Wood(C)Feathers(D)Straw

  6.What time did the sounds begin?

  (A)12:45 p.m.(B)1:00 a.m.(C)1:15 a.m.(D)1:30 p.m.

  以上就是SLEP考试Section I样题部分的样题。同学们在备考过程中可以参考着进行复习。


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