

TOEFL Junior考试基础语法总结.

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�  TOEFL Junior考试基础语法总结,在TOEFL Junior考试题当中,语法最基础也是最常出现的考 点就是简单句与名词性从句的知识,简单句包括哪些类型,它们又如何转换为名词性句呢,笔者在这里做了简要的总结和梳理。



  主语+系动词+表语系动词,又叫连系动词,这种动词并没有具体大动作,而只 是起连接助于和后面成分的作用。这种动词后面所接的成分是用来说明助于的 特点,表明主语的性质特征的,因此被称为主语补足语或标语(能表示主语特征 的成分),这就是主系表结构。

  1.单纯表示助于的特征,状态的 feel,look,sound,taste,seem,appearThe iron feels hot.

  2.表示助于有一种 状态转变为另一种状态的become,grow,get,turn,fall,go 和come

  3.表示助于 保持某种状态的

  4.近似于不及物动词的系动词More examples:All the audience sat silent.He was born poor.I was born aleader.


  主语 +谓语谓语动词是不及物动词,所表示的动作没有作用对象,其本身意思完整, 其后不需带宾语。

  例如:The egg hatched.An eagle&apos&aposs egg was placed in the nest of aprairie chicken.



  词是及物动词(transitive verb),这种动词告诉我们由主语发出的动作所作用 的对象是什么,这个"所作用的对象"就是通常所说的宾语,即宾语是主语动作 的承受对象,因此,这类动词是带有宾语的。英文中绝大多数动词都是及物动词。Just like instant coffee,they want instant happiness.


  主 语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语谓语动词的特点:双宾动词(dative verb),这种动词后面所接的成分有人又有物。

  一般来讲,这里的"人"表示动作的接受者, 称作间接宾语(indirect object);"物"表示动作作用的对象,是动作的承受着, 称作直接宾语(direct object)。间接宾语和直接宾语合起来称为双宾语。He showed the guard his passport.He showed his passport to the guard.I am going to buy her agift=I am going to buy agift for her.介词选择 for 还是to,取决于谓语动词。

  1.同show 一样,当间接宾语后移时,间接宾语 前需带介词to,表示间接宾语是动作的接受者。这样的动词有: assign,award,bring,deliver,deny,feed,give,grant,hand,lend,offer,owe,p ass,pay,promise,post,read,recommend,sell,send,show,take 和write.

  2.同 buy 一样,当间接宾语后移时,间接宾语前需带介词for。这样的动词有: book,buy,build,change,choose,cook,fetch,find,get,keep,make,order,prep are 和sing 等。

  3.有个别动词只用于"主语+动词+间接宾语(+直接宾语)"的结构,而不用介词来替换。这样的动词有:charge,cost 和bet 等等。例如: I&apos&aposll bet you ten dollars.The repairman charged me ten dollars.



  该句型的谓语动词是宾补动词 (factitive verb),这种动词后面接宾语,而此宾语后又接补充说明宾语的补足语(object complement)。宾语和宾语补足语合起来成为复合宾语。常见的带复合宾语的动词有: appoint,believe,call,choose,consider,declare,elect,feel,find,keep,leave,let,make,name,nominate,prove,see,suppose 和vote.A hedge between keeps friendship green.They appointed John chairman.You can leave the door open。如何区分双宾语和复合宾语?在宾语后面加上be 动词,若能够构成 一个语义通顺的句子,就是补足语。

  1)I make John our chairman.(John 可以 是我们的主席,所以是补足语)

  2)I made John acake.(John 不能是蛋糕,所以 是复合宾语)

  1)She will make him agood husband.

  2)She will make him agood wife.

  从简单句到复合句主语--句子充当主语---主语从句宾语--句子充当宾语---宾语从句表语--句子充当表语---表语从句名词从句同位语---句子充当同位语--同位语从句定语--句子充当定语---定语从句三大类基本从句状语-- 句子充当状语--状语从句名词从句相当于名词作用的句子有三类:陈述句,一 般疑问句以及特殊疑问句。名词从句就是用三种句子来分别充当另一个句子的四种句子成分。


  1.English is important2.That English is important is an undoubted fact.陈述句作主语,构成主语从句

  1.Love,not time,heals all wounds.2.I&apos&aposve learned that love,not time,heals all wounds.陈述句作宾语,构成宾语从句

  1.The child should be sent to school2.My idea is that the child should be sent to school.陈述句作表语,构成表语从句

  1.He succeeded in the experiment.

  2.The fact that he succeeded in the experiment pleased everybody.陈述句用作同位语,补充说明名词the fact,构成同位语从句 为什么要加that?That English is important is an undoubted fact.That--that 后面紧接的句子是要作为另一个句子的某一个成分来使用的, 不是要表达的核心意思。

  1)the criminal confessed his sins harmed many people.2)The criminal confessed that his sins harmed many people.

  1)He said no word at the meeting was strange.

  2)That he said no word at the meeting was strange.宾语从句中的that 可以省去:主语的谓语已经出现,谓语后面的成分自然是宾语,在不影响句子意思的情况下,可以把that 省去。


  1.用whether 或if 引导把一个一般疑问句当做名词来使用的时候,需要先将疑问句的倒装语序变成陈述句语序,并在句首加上 whether 或if(if 只用于宾语从句中)来引导,以保留原句的疑问意义。然后, 把"whether+陈述句"这一结构分别充当另一个句子的主语,宾语,表语或同位 语等四种成分。一般疑问句名词从句解释

  1.Will he come to my party?

  2.Whether he will come to my party makes no difference to me.一般疑问句作主语,构成主语从句

  1.Does he need my help?

  2.I don&apos&apost know if/whether he needs my help.


  1.Will people live on the moon someday?

  2.My question is whether people will live on the moon someday.


  1.Is there life on other planets?

  2.Scientists have argued over the question whether there is life on other planets.

  一般疑问句作同位 语,补充说明question,构成同位语从句。If 和whether 的区别?

  1.If 一般只用于引导宾语从句,而whether 可引导 包括宾语从句在内的其他名词从句。If he comes or not makes no difference.The question is if he will come.

  2.If 不和or not 直接连用, 即一般不说if or not,但可以说if….or not.而whether 没有这个限制。I don&apos&apost know if or not he comes.特殊疑问句作句子成分1.当把一个特殊疑问句当做名词来使用的时候,需要先将疑问句的倒转语序变成陈述句语序,然后 分别充当另一个句子的主语,宾语,表语或同位语四种成分。


  1.Why did dinosaurs become extinct?Why dinosaurs became extinct is still amystery 一般疑问句作主语,构成主语从句

  1.How many letters are there in the English alphabet?I don&apos&apost know how many letters there are in the English alphabet.

  特殊疑问句作宾语,构成宾语从句1,what are we badly in need of?Money swhat we are badly in need of.

  特殊疑问词作表语,构成表语从句1.Where could we get the loan?There arose the question where we could get the loan.特殊疑问句做同位语,补充说明question,构成同位语从句。

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