

TOEFL Junior考试推理题列举及分析.

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  美国TOEFL Junior考试推理题部分题型分析,为大家介绍一下推理题部分的答题策略。每一个考生在备考时都应该及时追踪考试信息,并充分掌握TOEFL Junior考试真题题型,这样才有助于成绩的提高。

  1. 考察实质

  美国TOEFL Junior考试推断题主要考查考生对文章中一个观点或立场的理解程度,需要注意的是这个观点是作者在文章中强烈暗示但是并没有明确阐明的。比如文章阐述了一个时间的结果,那么推断题就可能问考生原因是什么;文章中如果有一个对比,那么问题可能会问对比的基础是什么。可见,在解答此类问题时,除了理解字面意思,考生还需姚明在句子之间的逻辑联系。

  2. 提问方式

  此类问题中,题干中最明显的特征词是infer suggest和imply,具体题干表述如下:

  1. Which of the following can be inferred about X?

  2. The author of the passage implies that X?

  3. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1about X?

  3. 解题要点




  4. TOEFL Junior考试真题题型:

  Jupiter rotates very fast, once every 9.8 hours. As a result, its clouds, which are composed largely of frozen and liquid ammonia, have formed alternating dark and bright bands that circle the planet at different speeds in different latitudes.

  1. It can be inferred from the passage that the appearance of alternating bands circling Jupiter is caused by

  (A) the Great Red Spot

  (B) heat from the Sun

  (C) the planet's fast rotation

  (D) Storms from the planet's Southern Hemisphere

  Clay particles are highly cohesive, and when dampened, behave as a plastic. Therore the higher the 11 clay content in a sample, the more rined and durable the shapes into which it can be molded.

  2. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about a soil sample with little or no clay in it?

  (A) It is not very heavy.

  (B) It may not hold its shape when molded.

  (C) Its shape is durable

  (D) Its texture cannot be classified

  The first birds appeared during late Jurassic times. These birds are known from four very good skeletons, two incomplete skeletons, and an isolated feather, all from the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. Not only were the bones preserved in these skeletons, but also were imprints of the feathers. If the indications of feathers had not been preserved in association with Archaeopteryx, it is likely that these fossils would have been classified among the dinosaurs, for they show numerous theropod characteristics.

  3. It can be inferred from the passage that the Archaeopteryx were classified as birds on the basis of

  (A) imprints of bones

  (B) imprints of feathers

  (C) the neck structure

  (D) skeletons

  4. It can be inferred from the passage that theropods were

  (A) dinosaurs

  (B) birds

  (C) Archaeopteryx

  (D) crows

  Molt of the flight feathers is the most highly organized part of the process. Some species, for example, begin by dropping the outermost primary feathers on each side (to retain balance in the air) and wait until the replacement feathers are about one-third grown bore shedding the next outermost, and so on. Others always start with the innermost primary feathers and work outward. Yet other species begin in the middle and work outward on both sides. Most ducks shed their wing feathers at once, and remain flightless for two or three weeks while the replacement feathers grow.

  5. It can be inferred from the discussion about ducks that the molting of their flight feathers takes

  (A) a year

  (B) a season

  (C) several months

  (D) a few weeks

  TOEFL Junior考试推理题的答题策略就为您总结到这。希望对您有所帮助,若想了解更多美国TOEFL Junior考试真题的相关信息,欢迎咨询澳际留学专家。

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