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  the credit system学分制

  key university重点大学

  specialty n.专业

  make-up examination补考

  scholarship n.奖学金

  tuition (fee) n.学费

  board expenses伙食费

  account for ...% 占百分比

  full-time teacher专任教师

  data center资料中心

  universal education普及教育

  preschool education学前教育

  elementary education初等教育

  secondary education中等教育

  higher/tertiary education高等教育

  comprehensive university综合性大学

  branch school分校

  key school重点学校

  chairman; chairperson n.(系)主任

  vice-chairman n.副主任

  professor n.教授

  associate professor副教授

  lecturer n.讲师


  full-time teacher专职教师

  part-time teacher兼职教师

  to visit a class; to sit in on a class; to attend

  Tutor n.辅导老师

  Lecture 讲演课

  Practical 实习课

  Workshop 练习课

  Examination 考试

  Midsemester test 期中考

  mid-term test Finals/end of term exams/ final exam 终期考

  Presentation n.讲演

  Multiple choice exam 选题考

  Oral exam 口语测试

  Mark 记分数

  pass 及格

  fail 不及格

  marks n.分数

  grades/scores n.成绩

  grade 年级 (在英澳,你也会听 year)

  class 班级

  degree 学位

  post doctoral 博士后

  doctor (Ph.D) 博士

  master 硕士

  bachelor 学士

  student 学生


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