


2017/08/13 06:39:41 编辑: 浏览次数:516 移动端

  ACT科学测试(ACT Science Test)共40个问题,35分钟内完成,主要衡量学生是否具有解释、分析、评价、推理和解决自然科学问题的技能。

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  ACT Science Test is a 40-question, 35-minute test that measures the interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving skills required in the natural science.


  The test presents seven sets of scientific information, each followed by a number of multiple-choice test questions. The scientific information is conveyed in one of three different formats: data representation (graphs, tables, and other schematic forms), research summaries (descriptions of several related experiments), or conflicting viewpoints (expressions of several related hypotheses or views that are inconsistent with one another). The questions require you to recognize and understand the basic features of, and concepts related to , the provided information; to examine critically the relationship between the information provided and the conclusions drawn or hypotheses developed; and to generalize from given information to gain new information, draw conclusions, or make predictions.


  You are not permitted to use a calculator on the ACT Science Test.



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