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   Mr. Dietz is a teacher whose salary is $22,570 for this school year, which has 185 days. In Mr. Dietz&apos&aposs school district, substitute teachers are paid $80 per day. If Mr. Dietz&apos&aposs takes a day off without pay and a substitute teacher is paid to teach Mr. Dietz&apos&aposs classes, how much less does the school district pay in salary by paying a substitute teacher instead of paying Mr. Dietz&apos&aposs for that day?

  F. $ 42

  G. $ 80

  H. $ 97

  J. $105

  K. $122

  解析:The correct answer is F. To find Mr. Dietz&apos&aposs pay per day, you can divide his salary, $22,570, by the number of days he works,185. His pay per day is 22570/185, or $122. When Mr. Dietz takes a day off without pay and the school pays a subsititute $80, the school district saves the difference in these amounts, 122-80, or $42.



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