


2017/08/13 06:38:57 编辑: 浏览次数:246 移动端


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  So far, a student has earned the following scores on four 100-point tests this grading period:65,73,81, and 82. What score must the student earn on the fifth and last 100-point test of the grading period to earn an average test grade of 80 for the 5 tests?

  A. 75

  B. 76

  C. 78

  D. 99

  E. The student cannot earn an average of 80.

  解析:The correct answer is D. To find what the student needs to score on the fifth 100-point test to average a score of 80, you need to find the point total for the student so far by adding 65,73, 81 and 82. That sum is 301. Averaging 80 points on 5 tests means the student must earn 400 points (80�5). The acore needed on the last test is the difference,400~301, or 99.



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