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�  ACT考试数学部分介绍。Act考试作为美国高考,很多想要出国留学的学生需要参加的考试,ACT考试分为文章改错,数学,阅读,和科学推理四个部分,很多第一次参加act考试的同学对于act数学部分并不是特别料及,下面小编为您详细的介绍一下act考试数学部分。


  Length Question Types

  60 Minutes 14 Arithmetic Questions

  10 Elementary Algebra Questions

  9 Intermediate Algebra Questions

  9 Coordinate Geometry Questions

  14 Plane Geometry Questions

  4 Trigonometry Questions

  On the ACT Math Test, you&apos&aposll have 60 minutes to answer 60 questions—that&apos&aposs 1 minute per question!

  ACT Math Question Format

  All of the Math questions follow the same basic, multiple-choice format. They ask a question and offer 5 possible answer choices. The questions cover a full range of math topics, from pre-algebra and elementary algebra through intermediate algebra and coordinate geometry, to plane geometry and even a little bit of trig.

  Although the Math questions, like those in other sections, are not ordered in terms of difficulty, questions drawn from elementary school or junior high tend to come earlier in the section. This doesn&apos&apost necessarily mean that the easier questions are first.; We&apos&aposve found that students perform better on the material that&apos&aposs freshest in their minds.; Do you remember the math you learned in 7th grade?

  Top 3 Strategies for the ACT Math Test

  Understand: Focus on the question stem and think to yourself, "What kind of question is this? What am I looking for? What information am I given?"

  Analyze: Don&apos&apost start crunching numbers until you&apos&aposve given the problem a little thought. Look for patterns and shortcuts. Ask yourself, "What&apos&aposs a quick and reliable way to find the correct answer?"

  Select: Once you get an answer—or once you get stuck—check the answer choices. If your answer is listed, fill in the bubble and move on. If it&apos&aposs not clear, narrow down the choices as best as you can by a process of elimination and then guess.



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