

act sat 换算介绍.

2017/08/13 05:52:56 编辑: 浏览次数:284 移动端

�  很多家长与学生都了解了act考试是什么,但是很多家长和学生都会有这样的疑问就是act sat换算,总是想要了解act考试成绩是sat成绩的对比,下面澳际小编为您提供SAT和ACT成绩换算表,希望对那些想用ACT申请美国大学本科的人有所帮助,准确定位自己的美国本科申请。

  The ACT and SAT are different tests that measure similar but distinct constructs. The ACT measures achievement related to high school curricula, while the SAT measures general verbal and quantitative reasoning.

  ACT and the College Board have completed a concordance study that is designed to examine the relationship between two scores on the ACT and SAT. These concordance tables do not equate scores, but rather provide a tool for finding comparable scores. (Understanding concordance)

  Table 1 Concordance between ACT Composite Score and Sum of SAT Critical Reading and Mathematics Scores

  Table 2 Concordance between ACT Combined English/Writing Score and SAT Writing Score


  以上就关于act sat 换算的介绍,希望本篇文章能够为您了解act考试是什么带来帮助,如果您还有更多关于act考试的疑问,可以和我们的在线咨询专家进行交流和沟通。


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