


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:289 移动端



  Test fee per test option(考试费用)

  ACT (No Writing) $39.50

  Includes reports for you, your high school, and up to four college choices (if valid codes are provided when you register).


  ACT with writing $56.50

  Includes reports for you, your high school, and up to four college choices (if valid codes are provided when you register). The $17.00 writing test fee is rundable, on written request, if you are absent on test day or switch to the ACT (No Writing) bore testing begins.



  Add to the test fee for your test option (except for the Test Center Change)

  Score reports for 5th and 6th college choices add $12.00 each

  Requested online bore the test date; rundable on written request, if you do not test. Find out how much it costs to send your scores after you test.


  Telephone re-registration add $15.00


  Late registration fee (U.S. or Canada only) add $25.00

  For registration or test date change submitted during the late period for a national test date.


  Standby testing add $49.00

  Runded if you are denied admission to the test center on test day, or if your registration was cancelled due to no photo provided.


  International testing (required outside the U.S. or Canada) add $40.00


  Test date change add $24.00

  For different date only if absent or unable to test on the original test date or if your registration is cancelled for failure to meet ACT's test security requirements. You will be charged the basic registration fee for the new test date plus the test date change fee. If you request a test date change after the regular deadline for the new date, you will also be charged the late registration fee. Your basic registration fee for the original test date will be runded.

  考试日期变更费用 add $24.00


  Test center change $24.00

  For the same test date.


  Viewing scores and score report online FREE

  在网上查看考试成绩 免费

  Test Information Release (TIR) service add $20.00

  On December, April, and June national test dates at a national test center; rundable if not available.

  订阅考试信息需 $20.00

  该服务即Test Information Release (TIR),参加12月、4月、6月北美考试的学生,可以支付20美金订阅自己的试卷




  1. 帮助申请人制定申请目标

  2. 根据申请目标,分析申请人背景优劣势

  3. 制定各项出国考试时间规划

  4. 针对目标专业和目前背景,确定专业相关成绩提升,选修课以及辅修专业方案

  5. 制定学术、研究背景提升计划

  6. 制定实习工作计划,指导制作实习简历,提供面试辅导

  7. 制定社会活动方案及国际文化交流计划

  8. 制定名校/奖学金申请方案

  9. 初步选定推荐人,指导申请人联系合适的推荐人

  10. 制定适合申请人的个性化《教育规划方案》

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