您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 官方网站的AP考试报名方法(英文版).
AP Courses
Once you&apos&aposve decided to take the challenge, it&apos&aposs easy to enroll in an AP course. Talk to an AP teacher or the AP Coordinator at your school about the course you want to take. Discuss the course&apos&aposs workload and any preparation you might need.
If you are a homeschooled student or attend a school that doesn&apos&apost offer AP, you can still participate. Each year hundreds of students participate through independent study. Some states even sponsor online AP courses.
AP Exams
If your school offers AP, contact your AP Coordinator to register for the exams. He or she will order the necessary materials, collect fees, and let you know when and where to appear for the exams.
If you are a homeschooled student or attend a school that does not offer AP, you can still take the exams by arranging to test at a participating school. (Students in mainland China should contact international@collegeboard.org.)
Call AP Services no later than March 1 to get the names and telephone numbers of local AP Coordinators. Prepare a list of the exams you plan to take prior to calling so that the appropriate Coordinators can be identified
Contact the AP Coordinators identified by AP Services no later than March 15.
When calling Coordinators to arrange testing, make sure to tell them:
You are trying to locate a school willing to administer exams to homeschooled students or students from schools that do not offer AP.
You will use a different school code so your exam grade(s) will be reported separately from the school at which you test. (Homeschooled students will use the state homeschool code provided by the Coordinator on the day of the exam; students attending schools will use their school code.)
The exams you plan to take.
Once you locate a school willing to administer the exams, that school&apos&aposs AP Coordinator is responsible for ordering your exam materials, telling you when and where to appear for the exams, and collecting your fees, which he or she may negotiate to recover additional proctoring or administration costs. That school must administer the exams for you; it cannot forward them to you or your school for handling.
Students with Disabilities
If you have documented disabilities, you may be eligible for accommodations on the AP Exams. These include: extended time; Braille and 14- and 20-point large-type exams; large-block answer sheets; permission to use a Braille device, computer, typewriter, or magnifying device; a reader to dictate questions; a writer to record responses; and/or a sign language interpreter to give directions. Visit Services for Students with Disabilities for more information.
以上就是AP考试报名的相关提示,最后还要提醒大家的是,大家都反映AP考试的各门课程,难度差别较大。比如微观、宏观经济学和心理学,学生普 遍觉得简单。当然,对于中国学生,数理化应该不是问题。但也有理科基础比较强的学生说微积分BC比较难。你在正式决定考哪门AP课程前,一定要看看以往的 真题,心中有数,再决定要选什么科目来考试。
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲