

ap经济学 这些你绝对不知道.

2017/08/12 20:58:47 编辑: 浏览次数:311 移动端





  Economics is the social science concerned with howindividuals, institutions, and society make optimal (best) choices underconditions of scarcity.


  An economy consists of the economicsystem of a country or other area, the labor, capital and land resources, andthe economic agents that socially participate in the production, exchange,distribution, and consumption of goods and services of that area.






  2. Microeconomics 微观经济学

  Microeconomics focuses on the individual parts of theeconomy such as a person, a household, a firm, or an industry.


  3.Macroeconomics 宏观经济学

  Macroeconomics observes economy as a whole or itsbasic subdivisions, such as government and business sectors.

  Macroeconomics speaks of such economic measures as realoutput(real GDP) and economic growth, unemployment, the general level of prices,balanceof payment , fiscal policy and financial Policy.


  4.Scarce Resources 资源的稀缺性

  Scarcity means that society has limited resources andcannot produce all the goods and provide all the services people wish to have.

  Economics is the study of how society manages itsscarce resources.


  5.Opportunity Cost 机会成本

  The opportunity cost of an item is what we give up toget that item.

  For example, opportunity costoccurs when a student decides to attend full-time college because he must giveup the possible jobs. In another example, if a family uses its $100000 savingsto purchase an automobile,the family cannot usethis sum of money to buy other goods, then opportunity cost occurs.


  6.Absolute Advantage 绝对优势

  Absolute advantage means the comparison amongproducers of a good according to their productivity.


  7.ComparativeAdvantage 相对优势

  The producer who has the smaller opportunity cost ofproducing a good is said to have comparative advantage


  8. Marginal thinking 考虑边际的思维

  Marginal changes are small, incremental adjustments toan existing plan of action. When we learn economy, we must learn to think themargin. If we want to arrange our time for learning, whether we should spend hourlearning? If we produce one good, what is the marginal revenue and what is themarginal cost?


  9.Economic System andMarket Economy经济体制与市场经济

  Economic systems in the world can generally be groupedas traditional economy, command economy, market economy and mixed economy.


  Market is usually a good way to organize economicactivities because in a free market buyers and sellers can adjust their supplyand demand based on price and other factors. However, in some cases, market failureoccurs when the market fails to allocate resources ficiently, thengovernments can sometimes improve market outcomes.




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