


2017/08/12 18:56:37 编辑: 浏览次数:203 移动端

ennoble������ vt. 授予爵位,使高贵 to make noble:ELEVATE ennui�� n. 倦怠,厌倦 a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction:BOREDOM ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic ennui←→energy/enthusiasm ennui←→keen interest ennui←→exuberance enslave������ vt.奴役 to reduce to or as if to slavery:SUBJUGATE manumit←→enslave ensuing������� adj. 随后的,接着的 to take place afterward or as a result anterior←→ensuing entangle����� vt. 使纠缠,卷入,使混乱 a:to wrap or twist together:INTERWEAVE b:ENSNARE disentangle←→snarl enthusiasm��� n. 狂热,热心 a:strong excitement of feeling:ARDOR b:something inspiring zeal or fervor ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic enthusiasm:mania=suspicion:paranoia reverence:respect=avidity:enthusiasm�� ennui←→energy/enthusiasm entice������� vt. 诱骗,引诱,怂恿 to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire:TEMPT command:entreaty=goad:enticement entrance����� vt. 使出神,使入迷 to carry away with delight, wonder, or rapture entrancing←→disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse; bore unprepossessing←→entrancing/winsome entrap������� vt. 骗入,诱捕,使陷入 to catch in or as if in a trap vigilant:entrapped=exacting:satisfied entreaty����� n. 恳求,哀求 an act of entreating:PLEA command:entreaty=goad:enticement protest:dissuade=supplicate:entreat 副标题#e# entry�� n. 登录,条目,报关手续,入口,进入 a descriptive record (as in a card catalog or an index) journal:entries=run:performance enumerate���� vt. 列举,计算,枚举,数 to specify one after another:LIST enunciate���� v. 发音,(清楚地)表达 a:to make a dinite or systematic statement of b:ANNOUNCE, PROCLAIM enunciate←→mumble envision����� vt. 想象,预想 to picture to oneself ephemeral���� adj. 朝生暮死的,生命短暂的 lasting a very short time convoluted:complexity=ephemeral:transience ephemeral:endure=inelastic:stretch ephemeral:transience=permanent:perpetually repellent:attract=ephemeral:endure ephemeral:longevity=grandiose:humility ephemeral←→permanent/perpetual epic���� 史诗;英勇的;超出正常范围的 extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope epic←→modest epicure������ n. 美食家 one with sensitive and discriminating tastes especially in food or wine epicure:discriminating=spectator:watching sentinel:watchful=epicure:discriminating epigram������ n. 警句,讽刺短诗 a concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought exaggeration:caricature=brevity:epigram paradox:contradictory=epigram:wise


ennoble������ vt. 授予爵位,使高贵 to make noble:ELEVATE ennui�� n. 倦怠,厌倦 a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction:BOREDOM ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic ennui←→energy/enthusiasm ennui←→keen interest ennui←→exuberance enslave������ vt.奴役 to reduce to or as if to slavery:SUBJUGATE manumit←→enslave ensuing������� adj. 随后的,接着的 to take place afterward or as a result anterior←→ensuing entangle����� vt. 使纠缠,卷入,使混乱 a:to wrap or twist together:INTERWEAVE b:ENSNARE disentangle←→snarl enthusiasm��� n. 狂热,热心 a:strong excitement of feeling:ARDOR b:something inspiring zeal or fervor ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic enthusiasm:mania=suspicion:paranoia reverence:respect=avidity:enthusiasm�� ennui←→energy/enthusiasm entice������� vt. 诱骗,引诱,怂恿 to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire:TEMPT command:entreaty=goad:enticement entrance����� vt. 使出神,使入迷 to carry away with delight, wonder, or rapture entrancing←→disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse; bore unprepossessing←→entrancing/winsome entrap������� vt. 骗入,诱捕,使陷入 to catch in or as if in a trap vigilant:entrapped=exacting:satisfied entreaty����� n. 恳求,哀求 an act of entreating:PLEA command:entreaty=goad:enticement protest:dissuade=supplicate:entreat 上12下


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