


2017/08/12 18:56:14 编辑: 浏览次数:121 移动端

deportation�� n. 驱逐,放逐 the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial deportation:country=eviction:dwelling depose������� vt. 免职,废,作证 to testify to under oath or by affidavit perjury←→deposition deposit������ vt.使淤积 a natural accumulation (as of iron ore, coal, or gas) deposit←→process of eroding depravity���� n. 堕落,腐败,邪恶 a corrupt act or practice doldrums:energy=depravity:virtue deprecate���� vt. 声明不赞成,抨击,反对 BELITTLE, DISPARAGE deprecate:value=restrict:diameter depreciation:value=ossification:flexible deprecate←→extol vaunt←→deprecate depreciate��� v. 贬低,贬值 to lower the price or estimated value of fawn:hauteur=self depreciate:swagger imperious:fawn=swagger:self depreciate imperiousness:fawn=self depreciatory:swagger depress������ vt. 使沮丧,压低,降低,使萧条 to press down depressant:mood=??? protuberant←→depressed deprivation�� n. 剥夺,剥夺官职,免职 the state of being deprived:PRIVATION;� especially :removal from an office, dignity, or benice deprivation←→surfeit {fecundity} !deracinate��� vt. 根除,灭绝,使孤立 UPROOT deracinate←→plant derelict����� n. 遗弃物,被遗弃的人,玩忽职守者 a destitute homeless social misfit:VAGRANT, BUM derelict←→pillar of society deride������� vt. 嘲弄,嘲笑 to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule patronize:condescension=deride:mockery pontificate:pompous=scoff:derisive=drawl:slow=bluster:loud=prate:aimless smirk:smugness=sneer:derision ridicule:derision=?? deride←→praise veneration←→derision 副标题#e# derivative��� adj. 派生的,无创意的 lacking originality:BANAL precursory←→derivative derogatory��� a. 贬损的 expressive of a low opinion:DISPARAGING descendant��� n.后代,后裔 one deriving directly from a precursor or prototype forbears←→descendants desecrate���� vt. 供俗用,亵渎,污辱 to violate the sanctity of:PROFANE desecrate←→sanctify/revere desert������� vt. 放弃,遗弃,逃跑 to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return desiccate���� vt. 使干,干贮� (adj. Desiccated) to preserve (a food) by drying:DEHYDRATE abraded:friction=desiccated:dehydration caustic:eat away=desiccant:dry desiccate:moisture=detoxify:poison despair������ vi. 绝望�� to lose all hope or confidence abandon:inhibition=despair:hope despicable��� a. 可鄙的,卑劣的 deserving to be despised:so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation redoubtable:regard/awe=despicable:scorn/contempt/disregard venerable:reverence=despicable:scorn despicable:value=mulish:flexible


deportation�� n. 驱逐,放逐 the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial deportation:country=eviction:dwelling depose������� vt. 免职,废,作证 to testify to under oath or by affidavit perjury←→deposition deposit������ vt.使淤积 a natural accumulation (as of iron ore, coal, or gas) deposit←→process of eroding depravity���� n. 堕落,腐败,邪恶 a corrupt act or practice doldrums:energy=depravity:virtue deprecate���� vt. 声明不赞成,抨击,反对 BELITTLE, DISPARAGE deprecate:value=restrict:diameter depreciation:value=ossification:flexible deprecate←→extol vaunt←→deprecate depreciate��� v. 贬低,贬值 to lower the price or estimated value of fawn:hauteur=self depreciate:swagger imperious:fawn=swagger:self depreciate imperiousness:fawn=self depreciatory:swagger depress������ vt. 使沮丧,压低,降低,使萧条 to press down depressant:mood=??? protuberant←→depressed deprivation�� n. 剥夺,剥夺官职,免职 the state of being deprived:PRIVATION;� especially :removal from an office, dignity, or benice deprivation←→surfeit {fecundity} !deracinate��� vt. 根除,灭绝,使孤立 UPROOT deracinate←→plant derelict����� n. 遗弃物,被遗弃的人,玩忽职守者 a destitute homeless social misfit:VAGRANT, BUM derelict←→pillar of society deride������� vt. 嘲弄,嘲笑 to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule patronize:condescension=deride:mockery pontificate:pompous=scoff:derisive=drawl:slow=bluster:loud=prate:aimless smirk:smugness=sneer:derision ridicule:derision=?? deride←→praise veneration←→derision 上12下


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