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Attempting to be funny
jeer :to make fun of
jest: to joke
parody: a humorous imitation
recreation: something done for him, a hobby or game
skit :a short comic scene
Let’s get together
adjunct :an accessory, something added on
coalesce: to come together
congeal :to thicken, or change from liquid to solid
consensus: an agreement
contiguous: lying side-by-side
fission: a splitting apart
fusion :a joining together
integrate :to bring together and make whole
juxtapose :to place side by side
pact: a formal agreement between two countries
rendezvous :a meeting, usual secret
Make it official
abdicate: to give up power
accord :to be in agreement
allege: to declare that something is true without proof
assess :to evaluate or determine the worth of
condone: to forgive or to disregard an offense
conventional: traditional, ordinary
counsel :to advise
debunk :to prove false
decree: an order or command
inquiry :a request for instruction
ratify :to approve, usually a law
sustain: to support
Hard to handle
ambiguous :unclear
amorphous: without shape
egress :exit
epoch :a period of time
intangible: not able to be touched or sensed
itinerant :nomadic, constantly moving
kinetic :moving
obscure :hidden or dark, hard to see
polymorphous :having many shapes
prolific: fertile, very productive
remote :far away, distant
scull :a small rowboat or an oar for a rowboat
sporadic :having no pattern or order
surrogate :a substitute
variegated: having many parts or colors
writhe: to twist
The perfect mate
akin :related to or alike
altruistic :doing good for others
amiable :friendly, good-natures
aspirant :someone searching for something
astute :sharp, shrewd
benevolence :goodness
congenial :agreeable
equivalent: equal
extol: to praise
placate :to quiet down, appease
You don’t want to know this guy
aloof :keeping a distance
animosity :hostility
banal :unoriginal and boring
belligerent :hostile, warlike
browbeat :to intimate
choleric: irritate
debilitating :weakening, harmful
dicient :lacking an essential part
garrulous :overly talkative
incompetent :not able to do something properly
insipid :lacking interest, dull, boring
insolent :disrespectful, rude
irate :enraged
notorious :known widely and unfavorably
ostentatious :showy, pretentious
pedantic :overly scholarly, boring
profane :to abuse or put to ill use
pugnacious :hostile
ravenous :extremely hungry
recalcitrant: disobedient, stubborn
sanctimonious :acting morally superior, holier-than-thou
warlock :a male witch
A bad scene
abyss: a deep narrow pit
adverse :unfavorable, opposed, going against
aggravate: to make worse
assailable :vulnerable
barrage :a flood
brig :the prison of a ship
corpulent :excessively overweight
founder :to sink
hovel :a shack
indictment :the situation of having been charges with a crime
insinuation :a sneaky suggestion of something bad
mar :to spoil, to mark
null :zero value
quiver :a portable container for arrows
plight :a bad situation ,a predicament
repudiate :to put down, to renounce
rue: to regret
ruse :a clever trick
sedate: to clam, especially by using of a drug
slander :a false and mean-spirited statement meant to injure someone
superfluous :more than what is required or needed
simply :perfect
benign :harmless
clarity :clearness
dt :skillful
exquisite :beautifully made or designed
immaculate: perfectly clean, free from dirt or stain
meticulous :carul, paying attention to details
pious :deeply religious
robust :healthy
Time :to make a speech
Illuminate: to light up or make clear
imply :to express indirectly
lament :to express gri for, mourn
reminiscence :a memory, the act of recalling the past
Just :under the surface
dormant :temporarily inactive, asleep
eradicate :to erase or get rid of
excavate :to dig up
fundamental :as essential part, basic
innate :possessed at birth, not learned
merge :to blend together
adept :very skilled
facet :an aspect of something
ingenuity :innovation, creativity
inscribe :to write or etch words on or into a surface
novice :a beginner
procure :to obtain
tenacious: holding firmly, especially to a beli, stubborn
toil: hard work, or to work hard
vend :to sell
vigor :strength, energy
wane :to decrease in size or strength
Nice attitude
admiring: regarding with approval or respect
ambivalence :having opposing or mixed feelings
analytical: intending to understand the nature of something
biased :favoring one side or opinion over another
brash :bold
cautious :carul
dubious :doubtful
ironic :the use of words to express an unintended or
contradictory meaning
jubilant :overly joyful
objective :not influenced by personal opinion, just the facts
sarcastic :the use of witty language used to insult or show
skeptical: doubtful
somber :overly serious, dark or gloomy
subjective :influenced by personal opinion, biased
temperament :your use mood or behavior
直接获取澳际名师服务点击进入>>>>有问题?找免费的澳际专家咨询! 或者通过在线咨询处留言,把您最关心的问题告诉我们。
Attempting to be funny
jeer :to make fun of
jest: to joke
parody: a humorous imitation
recreation: something done for him, a hobby or game
skit :a short comic scene
Let’s get together
adjunct :an accessory, something added on
coalesce: to come together
congeal :to thicken, or change from liquid to solid
consensus: an agreement
contiguous: lying side-by-side
fission: a splitting apart
fusion :a joining together
integrate :to bring together and make whole
juxtapose :to place side by side
pact: a formal agreement between two countries
rendezvous :a meeting, usual secret
Make it official
abdicate: to give up power
accord :to be in agreement
allege: to declare that something is true without proof
assess :to evaluate or determine the worth of
condone: to forgive or to disregard an offense
conventional: traditional, ordinary
counsel :to advise
debunk :to prove false
decree: an order or command
inquiry :a request for instruction
ratify :to approve, usually a law
sustain: to support
Hard to handle
ambiguous :unclear
amorphous: without shape
egress :exit
epoch :a period of time
intangible: not able to be touched or sensed
itinerant :nomadic, constantly moving
kinetic :moving
obscure :hidden or dark, hard to see
polymorphous :having many shapes
prolific: fertile, very productive
remote :far away, distant
scull :a small rowboat or an oar for a rowboat
sporadic :having no pattern or order
surrogate :a substitute
variegated: having many parts or colors
writhe: to twist
The perfect mate
akin :related to or alike
altruistic :doing good for others
amiable :friendly, good-natures
aspirant :someone searching for something
astute :sharp, shrewd
benevolence :goodness
congenial :agreeable
equivalent: equal
extol: to praise
placate :to quiet down, appease 上123下
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