


2017/08/12 16:03:05 编辑: 浏览次数:288 移动端


  "I sent for you," said he, in a grandiloquent tone, when I had completed my examination of the beetle, "I sent for you, that I might have your counsel and assistance in furthering the views of Fate and of the bug" -

  "My dear Legrand," I cried, interrupting him, "you are certainly unwell, and had better use some little precautions. You shall go to bed, and I will remain with you a few days, until you get over this. You are feverish and" -

  "Feel my pulse," said he.

  I felt it, and, to say the truth, found not the slightest indication of fever. [page 10:]

  "But you may be ill and yet have no fever. Allow me this once to prescribe for you. In the first place, go to bed. In the next" —

  "You are mistaken," he interposed, "I am as well as I can expect to be under the excitement which I suffer. If you really wish me well, you will relieve this excitement."

  "And how is this to be done?"

  "Very easily. Jupiter and myself are going upon an expedition into the hills, upon the main land, and, in this expedition we shall need the aid of some person in whom we can confide. You are the only one we can trust. Whether we succeed or fail, the excitement which you now perceive in me will be equally allayed."

  "I am anxious to oblige you in any way," I replied; "but do you mean to say that this infernal beetle has any connection with your expedition into the hills?"

  "It has."

  "Then, Legrand, I can become a party to no such absurd proceeding."

  "I am sorry — very sorry — for we shall have to try it by ourselves."

  "Try it by yourselves! The man is surely mad! — but stay! — how long do you propose to be absent?"

  "Probably all night. We shall start immediately, and be back, at all events, by sunrise."

  "And will you promise me, upon your honor, that when this freak of yours is over, and the bug business (good God!) settled to your satisfaction, you will then return home and follow my advice implicitly, as that of your physician?"

  "Yes; I promise; and now let us be off, for we have no time to lose."

  With a heavy heart I accompanied my friend. We started about four o&aposclock — Legrand, Jupiter, the dog, and myself. Jupiter had with him the scythe and spades — the whole of which he insisted upon carrying — more through fear, it seemed to me, of trusting either of the implements within reach of his master, than from any excess of industry or complaisance. His demeanor was dogged in the extreme, and "dat deuced bug" were the sole [page 11:] words which escaped his lips during the journey. For my own part, I had charge of a couple of dark lanterns, while Legrand contented himself with the scarab?us, which he carried attached to the end of a bit of whip-cord; twirling it to and fro, with the air of a conjuror, as he went. When I observed this last, plain evidence of my friend&aposs aberration of mind, I could scarcely rrain from tears. I thought it best, however, to humor his fancy, at least for the present, or until I could adopt some more energetic measures with a chance of success. In the mean time I endeavored, but all in vain, to sound him in regard to the object of the expedition. Having succeeded in inducing me to accompany him, he seemed unwilling to hold conversation upon any topic of minor importance, and to all my questions vouchsafed no other reply than "we shall see!"


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